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Press Releases

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The University of Warwick launches its Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot

The University of Warwick today launches its Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot, only the second of its kind in the UK.

Fri 21 Jul 2023, 13:47 | Tags: Technology, teaching, Education

What constitutes teacher expertise? New research points to the answer

Research led by the University of Warwick has identified key characteristics and practices of expert teachers.

Wed 21 Dec 2022, 13:30 | Tags: teaching, research, society, Education

Two national teaching and learning awards for University of Warwick staff

Staff at the University of Warwick are among the winners of the 2022 National Teaching Fellowship Scheme and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence announced by Advance HE today.

Thu 04 Aug 2022, 14:15 | Tags: teaching, WIHEA

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