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Press Releases

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Physiotherapy could be done at home using Virtual Reality

Virtual reality could help physiotherapy patients complete their exercises at home successfully thanks to researchers at WMG, University of Warwick, who managed to combine VR technology with 3D motion capture.

Fri 28 Feb 2020, 19:45 | Tags: virtual reality, WMG, physiotherapy, Sciences

VR headsets enable people of all abilities to experience life on-board unique tall ship

People with a range of abilities can use VR headsets to experience what it’s like on board one of the Jubilee Sailing Trust’s ships to encourage them to explore their ability and participate in a life changing voyage thanks to an app made by WMG student Tanin Aparimarn at the University of Warwick.

Tue 21 May 2019, 09:56 | Tags: 3D Printing, virtual reality, WMG

VR more engaging than video and textbooks when it comes to the classroom

Virtual reality (VR) is the most engaging and emotionally positive learning method in comparison to textbook learning and video. VR shows great potential to supplement or replace traditional learning methods and create new experiences according to researchers at the University of Warwick.

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