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Is presumed consent the answer to organ shortages?

In an effort to increase the number of organs available for transplant the UK's Department of Health is proposing a move to 'presumed consent' so people have to opt-out of donating their body parts when they die. Ivo Vlaev, Professor of Behavioural Science, argues evidence from the changing of default settings in other ares, shows this will work.

Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:59 | Tags: Warwick Business School

Coventry in “right place” to expand digital creative sector following City of Culture win

Coventry is in the “right place for new and expanding digital creative businesses”, a new report, by a team including researchers from Warwick Business school, into the potential of the city’s digital creative sectors has found.

Mind the Gap - how will skills training be funded after Brexit?

The University of Warwick has published the third in a series of briefings exploring the implications of Brexit for the job market, workers’ rights, and employment policy. Skills training for vulnerable workers: effects of the loss of EU funding after Brexit outlines how current skills training in the UK is supported by EU funding, and recommends key priorities for a post-Brexit UK-funded skills programme. The paper is the third of four Warwick Brexit Briefings on Employment by the University of Warwick and its Connecting Research on Employment and Work (CREW) network.

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