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Press Releases

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Practice guide by GSD researcher demonstrates how the University of Warwick is innovating in sustainability within education

A practice guide by Dr Alastair Smith demonstrates how the University of Warwick is innovating in sustainability within education through projects which enable students to enjoy practical engagement with real-world climate change issues, while developing their own knowledge and understanding in the process.

UK and Australia sign trade deal – Monash Warwick Alliance set to benefit

The UK has signed an historic trade agreement with Australia, which includes unprecedented opportunities for academic researchers to work between the two countries — which will boost the already successful Alliance between the Universities of Warwick and Monash.

EUTOPIA takes major step towards integration with new mobility agreement

This week, a mobility agreement was signed between EUTOPIA's six founding universities: the University of Warwick, Pompeu Fabra University, CY Cergy Paris University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Gothenburg, and Univerza v Ljubljani.

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