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Press Releases

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University of Warwick to play key role in 2012 Olympics

The University of Warwick will play a vital role in the 2012 Olympic Games when the city of Coventry plays host to the Games Football matches.
Fri 04 Jun 2010, 12:06 | Tags: Regional Issues, University Affairs and Events, Sport

New book says hosting World Cup in 1994 transformed America into a soccer nation

A new book by Gary Hopkins, a member of the Advisory Board for Warwick Business School’s “Centre for Management in Sport ”at the University of Warwick, states that hosting the World Cup in 1994 changed the face and fortunes of soccer in the United States forever.
Wed 26 May 2010, 10:18 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

University of Warwick helps Polar explorer in his bid for glory

Polar explorer Mark Wood has set his sights on making history by completing the toughest journey on earth with the help of the University of Warwick.

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