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Press Releases

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Star Basketball Players Make Winning Coaches – Confirms that experts make best leaders

Star players make better basketball coaches, according to research by scholars at the University of Warwick and Cornell University. The research is further evidence that experts in their field rather than generalists typically make the best leaders in organisations.
Thu 12 Jun 2008, 09:32 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

Triple success for University of Warwick in London Olympics Guide

The London Olympic organisers have announced today, Monday 3rd March,  that the University of Warwick is to be recommended as a Training base for competitors in the London 2012 games in three sports: Fencing, Table Tennis, and Indoor Volleyball.
Mon 03 Mar 2008, 12:11 | Tags: University Affairs and Events, Sport

Research Finds Eager International Fan Base For Premier League’s Global Ambitions

Research by Dr Sue Bridgewater of Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick has found a large and eager fan base that she believes would be a ready market for the Premier League’s ambitions to engage with the global market with a number of over eases premiership games.
Sun 24 Feb 2008, 23:37 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

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