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Press Releases

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40 all out shock result – But we are talking football managers not cricket

New research by Warwick Business School shows that the dismissal rate of top football managers is accelerating. Dismissals during the period from June 2005 to the end of May 2006 rose to 40 managerial dismissals compared with 34 dismissals for the same period in 2004-05
Tue 30 May 2006, 17:29 | Tags: Business and Management, Sport

Expert Comment - Football Managers

Dr Sue Bridgewater's research into football manager's career stability and their teams' performance has been hitting the headlines in the UK and abroad.
Tue 17 Jan 2006, 10:55 | Tags: Sport

Research says 100s of football manager sackings brings instability to game

On Tuesday 10th January Dr Sue Bridgewater from Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick will present new research revealing that over 500 managers for the four top English divisions have been dismissed from their post since 1992 bringing damaging instability to the game. However she will also outline how a new professionalism in the post of manager is already achieving results on the pitch and could thus help managers stay post longer.
Tue 10 Jan 2006, 11:57 | Tags: Business and Management, Sport

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