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2011 Housing benefit reform was a false economy, researchers find

Government reforms to housing benefit introduced in 2011 were intended to save the public purse hundreds of millions. Research from University of Warwick economists has found that, far from saving money, the change in policy simply shifted burdens to local councils: for every pound central government saved in housing benefit, local authority spending on temporary housing costs went up by 53p.

Reading the past like an open book – researchers use text to measure two hundred years of happiness

Was there such a thing as ‘the good old days’ when people were happier? Are current Government policies more or less likely to increase their citizens’ feelings of wellbeing? Using innovative methods researchers have built a new index that uses data from books and newspaper to track levels of national happiness from 1820. Their research could help governments to make better decisions about policy priorities.

Warwick experts explore what economic policy should look like after Brexit

Opinion formers and policy experts welcomed Which way now? Economic policy after a decade of upheaval, a new report from the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE), launched last night [12] with a panel debate at the University of Warwick. The report presents 18 studies tackling the question of what a post-financial crisis, post-Brexit economic policy should look like, with the aim of presenting accessible recommendations informed by robust, up-to-date research.

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