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Researchers point to populism’s appeal to victimhood and resentment

A new study from the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick combines research on populist rhetoric, emotions and security in order to examine how particular groups of voters are mobilized.


Coronavirus fears increase economic anxieties, researchers find

In the first analysis of how COVID19 affects economic sentiment, a team of researchers including Dr Thiemo Fetzer and Dr Christopher Roth from the University of Warwick has found that the arrival of the new Coronavirus in a country is associated with a sharp increase in Google searches indicative of anxieties and economic fears.

2011 Housing benefit reform was a false economy, researchers find

Government reforms to housing benefit introduced in 2011 were intended to save the public purse hundreds of millions. Research from University of Warwick economists has found that, far from saving money, the change in policy simply shifted burdens to local councils: for every pound central government saved in housing benefit, local authority spending on temporary housing costs went up by 53p.

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