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Condensed Matter Publications 2023

[1] A. Alruwaili, G. M. M. Rashid, V. Sodré, J. Mason, Z. Rehman, A. K. Menakath, D. Cheung, S. P. Brown, T. D. H. Bugg, Elucidation of microbial lignin degradation pathways using synthetic isotope-labelled lignin, RSC Chemical Biology 4, 47-55 (2023).

[2] J. Andrews, G. Bullock, C. A. Miller, J. Booth, H. Ren, N. L. Kelly, J. V. Hanna, I. M. Reaney, Cold sintering of bioglass and bioglass/polymer composites, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106, 3396-3409 (2023).

[3] I. Arnay, A. Serrano, V. Braza, R. Cid, A. M. Sánchez, J. López-Sánchez, G. R. Castro, J. Rubio-Zuazo, Soft magnetism in single phase Fe3Si thin films deposited on SrTiO3(001) by pulsed laser deposition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 947, 169540 (2023).

[4] S. Banerjee, J. A. Wolny, M. Danaie, N. P. E. Barry, Y. S. Han, H. Amari, R. Beanland, V. Schünemann, P. J. Sadler, Experimental and theoretical evidence for unprecedented strong interactions of gold atoms with boron on boron/sulfur-doped carbon surfaces, Nanoscale Advances 6, (2024).

[5] R. Beanland, L. Harrison, S. Khan, T. Brown, T. Roncal-Herrero, H. Peirson, A. P. Brown, S. J. Milne, Temperature dependence of incommensurate modulation in Ca0.28Ba0.72Nb2O6, Journal of Applied Physics 134, 064101 (2023).

[6] M. O. Besenhard, L. Storozhuk, A. P. Lagrow, L. Panariello, A. Maney, S. Pal, C. Kiefer, D. Mertz, L. D. Tung, M. R. Lees, N. T. K. Thanh, A. Gavriilidis, High temperature flow synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles: Size tuning via reactor engineering, Chemical Engineering Journal 473, 144542 (2023).

[7] C. Bigi, L. Qiao, C. Liu, P. Barone, M. C. Hatnean, G. R. Siemann, B. Achinuq, D. A. Mayoh, G. Vinai, V. Polewczyk, D. Dagur, F. Mazzola, P. Bencok, T. Hesjedal, G. van der Laan, W. Ren, G. Balakrishnan, S. Picozzi, P. D. C. King, Covalency, correlations, and interlayer interactions governing the magnetic and electronic structure of Mn3Si2Te6, Physical Review B 108, 054419 (2023).

[8] M. Bourdon, J. J. Lyczakowski, R. Cresswell, S. Amsbury, F. Vilaplana, M. J. Le Guen, N. Follain, R. Wightman, C. Su, F. Alatorre-Cobos, M. Ritter, A. Liszka, O. M. Terrett, S. R. Yadav, A. Vatén, K. Nieminen, G. Eswaran, J. Alonso-Serra, K. H. Müller, D. Iuga, P. C. Miskolczi, L. Kalmbach, S. Otero, A. P. Mähönen, R. Bhalerao, V. Bulone, S. D. Mansfield, S. Hill, I. Burgert, J. Beaugrand, Y. Benitez-Alfonso, R. Dupree, P. Dupree, Y. Helariutta, Ectopic callose deposition into woody biomass modulates the nano-architecture of macrofibrils, Nature Plants 9, 1530-+ (2023).

[9] R. Brearton, S. H. Moody, L. A. Turnbull, P. D. Hatton, A. Stefancic, G. Balakrishnan, G. van der Laan, T. Hesjedal, Observation of the Chiral Soliton Lattice above Room Temperature, Advanced Physics Research 2, 2200116 (2023).

[10] S. E. Brown, I. Mantaloufa, R. T. Andrews, T. J. Barnes, M. R. Lees, F. De Proft, A. V. Cunha, S. D. Pike, Photoactivation of titanium-oxo cluster

[Ti6O6(OR)6(O2CtBu)6]: mechanism, photoactivated structures, and onward reactivity with O2 to a peroxide complex, Chemical Science 14, 675-683 (2023).

[11] S. P. Brown, Y. C. Su, Solid-state NMR of organic molecules: Characterising solid-state form, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 126, 101876 (2023).

[12] M. G. Burdanova, A. P. Tsapenko, S. Ahmad, E. I. Kauppinen, J. Lloyd-Hughes, Ultrafast THz spectroscopy of carbon nanotube-graphene composites, Nanotechnology 34, 405203 (2023).

[13] E. Butler-Caddle, N. E. Grant, S. L. Pain, J. D. Murphy, K. Jayawardena, J. Lloyd-Hughes, Terahertz photoconductance dynamics of semiconductors from sub-nanosecond to millisecond timescales, Applied Physics Letters 122, 012101 (2023).

[14] S. H. Cai, C. Q. Guo, B. Niu, L. Xie, C. Addiego, D. Wu, P. Wang, S. P. Lau, H. B. Huang, X. Q. Pan, In Situ Observation of Domain Wall Lateral Creeping in a Ferroelectric Capacitor, Advanced Functional Materials 33, (2023).

[15] A. S. Cameron, Y. Tymoshenko, P. Y. Portnichenko, A. S. Sukhanov, M. C. Hatnean, D. M. Paul, G. Balakrishnan, R. Cubitt, D. S. Inosov, Adherence of the rotating vortex lattice in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Ru7B3 to the London model, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 35, 425602 (2023).

[16] J. L. Carter, C. A. Kelly, J. E. Marshall, M. J. Jenkins, Effect of thickness on the electrical properties of PEDOT:PSS/Tween 80 films, Polymer Journal 56, 107-114 (2024).

[17] C. Chen, Y. M. Chu, L. J. Zhang, H. J. Lin, W. Z. Fang, Z. Y. Zhang, C. F. Zha, K. J. Wang, H. Yang, X. Z. Yu, J. A. Gott, M. Aagesen, Z. Y. Cheng, S. G. Huo, H. Y. Liu, A. M. Sanchez, Y. Y. Zhang, Initialization of Nanowire or Cluster Growth Critically Controlled by the Effective V/III Ratio at the Early Nucleation Stage, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 4433-4439 (2023).

[18] J. H. Cheng, W. X. Zhao, H. Y. Cao, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, Q. Sheng, Y. Chen, P. Wang, X. L. Chen, Y. Z. Zhang, Mechanistic Insight Into the Production of Collagen Oligopeptides by the S8 Family Protease A4095, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71, 603-614 (2023).

[19] X. R. Cheng, N. K. Wessling, S. Ghosh, A. R. Kirkpatrick, M. J. Kappers, Y. N. D. Lekhai, G. W. Morley, R. A. Oliver, J. M. Smith, M. D. Dawson, P. S. Salter, M. J. Strain, Additive GaN Solid Immersion Lenses for Enhanced Photon Extraction Efficiency from Diamond Color Centers, ACS Photonics 10, 3374-3383 (2023).

[20] N. Chopra, J. Deveikis, J. Lloyd -Hughes, Ieee, Active Multipixel Photoconductive Emitter Technology for THz Beam Shaping and Steering, 2023 48TH International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THZ, 2023.

[21] N. Chopra, J. Deveikis, J. Lloyd-Hughes, Active THz beam shaping using a one-dimensional array of photoconductive emitters, Applied Physics Letters 122, 061102 (2023).

[22] N. Chopra, J. Lloyd-Hughes, Optimum Optical Designs for Diffraction-Limited Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging Systems Using Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors, , Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 44, 981-997 (2023).

[23] A. Cleverley, R. Beanland, Modelling fine-sliced three dimensional electron diffraction data with dynamical Bloch-wave simulations, Iucrj 10, 118-130 (2023).

[24] M. J. Coak, S. P. M. Curley, Z. Hawkhead, J. P. Tidey, D. Graf, S. J. Clark, P. Sengupta, Z. E. Manson, T. Lancaster, P. A. Goddard, J. L. Manson, Asymmetric phase diagram and dimensional crossover in a system of spin-1/2 dimers under applied hydrostatic pressure, Physical Review B 108, 224431 (2023).

[25] J. Cregeen, D. Greenshields, R. S. Edwards, E. Amer Soc Mechanical, Mechanical, Enhanced Capabilities For Sub-Wavelength Defect Detection Using Focussed Lamb Waves, Proceedings of 2023 50th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, QNDE2023, 2023.

[26] S. Cretu, D. G. Bradley, L. P. W. Feng, O. U. Kudu, L. L. Nguyen, T. T. Nguyen, A. Jamali, J. N. Chotard, V. Seznec, J. V. Hanna, A. Demortière, M. Duchamp, The Impact of Intergrain Phases on the Ionic Conductivity of the LAGP Solid Electrolyte Material Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces DOI 10.1021/acsami.3c03839 (2023).

[27] W. L. da Silva, A. S. Menon, M. R. Lees, R. J. Kashtiban, M. Walker, L. F. J. Piper, E. Kendrick, R. I. Walton, Synthesis of Li1.20Mn0.432+Nb0.39O2 disordered rock-salt under reducing conditions for Li-ion batteries, Chemical Communications 59, 13502-13505 (2023).

[28] M. Y. Dang, H. W. Deng, S. G. Huo, R. R. Juluri, A. M. Sanchez, A. J. Seeds, H. Y. Liu, M. C. Tang, The growth of low-threading-dislocation-density GaAs buffer layers on Si substrates, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 56, 405108 (2023).

[29] P. C. Ding, M. Braim, A. L. Hobson, L. A. Rochford, P. T. P. Ryan, D. A. Duncan, T. L. Lee, H. Hussain, G. Costantini, M. Yu, D. P. Woodruff, Does F4TCNQ Adsorption on Cu(111) Form a 2D-MOF?, Journal of Physical Chemistry C DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c04927 (2023).

[30] E. A. Duijnstee, B. M. Gallant, P. Holzhey, D. J. Kubicki, S. Collavini, B. K. Sturdza, H. C. Sansom, J. Smith, M. J. Gutmann, S. Saha, M. Gedda, M. I. Nugraha, M. Kober-Czerny, C. Xia, A. D. Wright, Y. H. Lin, A. J. Ramadan, A. Matzen, E. Y. H. Hung, S. Seo, S. R. Zhou, J. Lim, T. D. Anthopoulos, M. R. Filip, M. B. Johnston, R. J. Nicholas, J. L. Delgado, H. J. Snaith, Understanding the Degradation of Methylenediammonium and Its Role in Phase-Stabilizing Formamidinium Lead Triiodide, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 10275-10284 (2023).

[31] B. Edwards, O. Dowinton, A. E. Hall, P. A. E. Murgatroyd, S. Buchberger, T. Antonelli, G. R. Siemann, A. Rajan, E. A. Morales, A. Zivanovic, C. Bigi, R. V. Belosludov, C. M. Polley, D. Carbone, D. A. Mayoh, G. Balakrishnan, M. S. Bahramy, P. D. C. King, Giant valleyZeeman coupling in the surface layer of an intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide, Nature Materials 22, 459-+ (2023).

[32] I. G. Elhoussieny, T. J. Rehaag, G. R. Bell, Bulk and Surface Electrical Properties of BiSb on Flat and Ion-Beam Nano-Patterned InP Substrates, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 260, (2023).

[33] I. G. Elhoussieny, T. J. Rehaag, G. R. Bell, ZnSb Films on Flexible Substrates: Stability, Optical Bandgap, Electrical Properties, and Indium Doping, Advanced Electronic Materials 10, (2024).

[34] Y. Ettahiri, L. Bouna, J. V. Hanna, A. Benlhachemi, H. L. Pilsworth, A. Bouddouch, B. Bakiz, Pyrophyllite clay-derived porous geopolymers for removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions, Materials Chemistry and Physics 296, 127281 (2023).

[35] D. X. Fan, W. S. Li, H. Qiu, Y. F. Xu, S. Gao, L. Liu, T. T. Li, F. T. Huang, Y. Mao, W. B. Zhou, W. Q. Meng, M. X. Liu, X. C. Tu, P. Wang, Z. H. Yu, Y. Shi, X. R. Wang, Two-dimensional semiconductor integrated circuits operating at gigahertz frequencies, Nature Electronics 6, 879-887 (2023).

[36] N. P. Gallop, D. Sirbu, D. Walker, P. Docampo, J. Lloyd-Hughes, R. L. Milot, Ieee, Efficient Terahertz Generation via Optical Rectification in Halide Perovskites, 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THZ, 2023.

[37] N. P. Gallop, D. Sirbu, D. Walker, J. Lloyd-Hughes, P. Docampo, R. L. Milot, Terahertz Emission via Optical Rectification in a Metal-Free Perovskite Crystal, ACS Photonics 10, 4022-4030 (2023).

[38] W. B. Ge, R. Beanland, M. Alexe, Q. Ramasse, A. M. Sanchez, 180° head-to-head flat domain walls in single crystal BiFeO3, Microstructures 3, 2023026 (2023).

[39] W. B. Ge, R. Beanland, M. Alexe, A. M. Sanchez, 3D Reconstruction of Sawtooth 180° Tail-to-Tail Domain Walls in Single Crystal BiFeO3, Advanced Functional Materials 33, (2023).

[40] S. M. Graham, A. Rahman, L. Munn, R. L. Patel, A. J. Newman, C. J. Stephen, G. Colston, A. Nikitin, A. M. Edmonds, D. J. Twitchen, M. L. Markham, G. W. Morley, Fiber-Coupled Diamond Magnetometry with an Unshielded Sensitivity of, Physical Review Applied 19, 044042 (2023).

[41] N. E. Grant, S. L. Pain, E. Khorani, R. Jefferies, A. Wratten, S. McNab, D. Walker, Y. Han, R. Beanland, R. S. Bonilla, J. D. Murphy, Activation of Al2O3 surface passivation of silicon: Separating bulk and surface effects, Applied Surface Science 645, 158786 (2024).

[42] T. Grünwald, C. Bestele, M. Bosak, J. Zhao, M. E. Newton, M. Schreck, X-ray induced photoconductivity and its correlation with structural and chemical defects in heteroepitaxial diamond, Journal of Applied Physics 134, 135106 (2023).

[43] D. K. Guo, O. Kapur, P. Dai, Y. S. Han, R. Beanland, L. D. Jiang, C. H. de Groot, R. M. Huang, Reservoir computing using back-end-of-line SiC-based memristors, Materials Advances 4, 5305-5313 (2023).

[44] A. E. Hall, P. Manuel, D. D. Khalyavin, F. Orlandi, D. A. Mayoh, L. J. Chang, Y. S. Chen, D. G. C. Jonas, M. R. Lees, G. Balakrishnan, Comparative study of the magnetism in Mn3RhGe and related compound Mn3IrSi, Physical Review Materials 7, 114402 (2023).

[45] L. Han, X. R. Yang, Y. Z. Lun, Y. Guan, F. T. Huang, S. H. Wang, J. F. Yang, C. Y. Gu, Z. B. Gu, L. S. Liu, Y. J. Wang, P. Wang, J. W. Hong, X. Q. Pan, Y. F. Nie, Tuning Piezoelectricity via Thermal Annealing at a Freestanding Ferroelectric Membrane, Nano Letters 23, 2808-2815 (2023).

[46] X. Y. He, N. H. Liu, J. Q. Liu, M. Peng, Z. J. Teng, T. J. Gu, X. L. Chen, Y. Chen, P. Wang, C. Y. Li, J. D. Todd, Y. Z. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, SAR92 clade bacteria are potentially important DMSP degraders and sources of climate-active gases in marine environments, MBIO 14, (2023).

[47] A. Heyraud, F. Tallia, D. Sory, H. K. Ting, A. Tchorzewska, J. W. Liu, H. L. Pilsworth, P. D. Lee, J. V. Hanna, S. M. Rankin, J. R. Jones, 3D printed hybrid scaffolds for bone regeneration using calcium methoxyethoxide as a calcium source, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 11, 1224596 (2023).

[48] Q. C. Hou, H. A. Fonseka, F. Martelli, B. Paci, A. Gustafsson, J. A. Gott, H. Yang, S. G. Huo, X. Z. Yu, L. L. Chen, Y. M. Chu, C. F. Zha, Z. Y. Zhang, L. J. Zhang, F. X. Shang, W. Z. Fang, Z. Y. Cheng, A. M. Sanchez, H. Y. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, Different Doping Behaviors of Silicon in Zinc Blende and Wurtzite GaAs Nanowires: Implications for Crystal-Phase Device Design, ACS Applied Nano Materials 6, 11465-11471 (2023).

[49] Z. Y. Hu, B. Breeze, M. Walker, E. Faulques, J. Sloan, J. Lloyd-Hughes, Spectroscopic Insights into the Influence of Filling Carbon Nanotubes with Atomic Nanowires for Photophysical and Photochemical Applications, ACS Applied Nano Materials 6, 2883-2893 (2023).

[50] J. D. Hutchinson, E. Ruggeri, S. D. Stranks, R. L. Milot, Ieee, Charge-Carrier Dynamics in Mixed Lead-Tin 2D/3D Metal Halide Perovskites, 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THZ, 2023.

[51] J. D. Hutchinson, E. Ruggeri, J. M. Woolley, G. Delport, S. D. Stranks, R. L. Milot, Resolving the Ultrafast Charge Carrier Dynamics of 2D and 3D Domains within a Mixed 2D/3D Lead-Tin Perovskite, Advanced Functional Materials 33, (2023).

[52] O. Inyang, C. Swindells, D. Rianto, L. Bouchenoire, R. J. H. Morris, A. Merkulov, A. Caruana, C. Kinane, T. P. A. Hase, D. Atkinson, "Non-uniform Gd distribution and magnetization profiles within GdCoFe alloy thin films" (vol 123, 122403 2023), Applied Physics Letters 123, 199901 (2023).

[53] O. Inyang, C. Swindells, D. Rianto, L. Bouchenoire, R. J. H. Morris, A. Merkulov, A. Caruana, C. Kinane, T. P. A. Hase, D. Atkinson, Non-uniform Gd distribution and magnetization profiles within GdCoFe alloy thin films, Applied Physics Letters 123, 122403 (2023).

[54] M. Islam, M. C. Hatnean, G. Balakrishnan, O. A. Petrenko, Frustrated Magnet Mn3Al2Ge3O12 Garnet: Crystal Growth by the Optical Floating Zone Method, Crystals 13, 397 (2023).

[55] L. Jia, M. D. Lloyd, M. R. Lees, L. M. Huang, R. I. Walton, Limits of Solid Solution and Evolution of Crystal Morphology in (La1-XREX)FeO3 Perovskites by Low Temperature Hydrothermal Crystallization, Inorganic Chemistry 62, 4503-4513 (2023).

[56] R. Kaltenbaek, M. Arndt, M. Aspelmeyer, P. F. Barker, A. Bassi, J. Bateman, A. Belenchia, J. Bergé, C. Braxmaier, S. Bose, B. Christophe, G. D. Cole, C. Curceanu, A. Datta, M. Debiossac, U. Delic, L. Diósi, A. A. Geraci, S. Gerlich, C. Guerlin, G. Hechenblaikner, A. Heidmann, S. Herrmann, K. Hornberger, U. Johann, N. Kiesel, C. Lämmerzahl, T. W. LeBrun, G. J. Milburn, J. Millen, M. Mohageg, D. C. Moore, G. W. Morley, S. Nimmrichter, L. Novotny, D. K. L. Oi, M. Paternostro, C. J. Riedel, M. Rodrigues, L. Rondin, A. Roura, W. P. Schleich, T. Schuldt, B. A. Stickler, H. Ulbricht, C. Vogt, L. Wörner, Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO), Quantum Science and Technology 8, 014006 (2023).

[57] R. J. Kashtiban, C. E. Patrick, Q. Ramasse, R. I. Walton, J. Sloan, Picoperovskites: The Smallest Conceivable Isolated Halide Perovskite Structures Formed within Carbon Nanotubes, Advanced Materials 35, (2023).

[58] G. M. Katyba, N. I. Raginov, E. M. Khabushev, V. A. Zhelnov, A. Gorodetsky, D. A. Ghazaryan, M. S. Mironov, D. V. Krasnikov, Y. G. Gladush, J. Lloyd-hughes, A. G. Nasibulin, A. V. Arsenin, V. S. Volkov, K. I. Zaytsev, M. G. Burdanova, Tunable THz flat zone plate based on stretchable single-walled carbon nanotube thin film, Optica 10, 53-61 (2023).

[59] M. Kaur, M. Walker, S. Hindmarsh, C. Bolt, S. York, Y. S. Han, M. R. Lees, K. Brinkert, Designing mixed-metal electrocatalyst systems for photoelectrochemical dinitrogen activation, Faraday Discussions 243, 354-377 (2023).

[60] T. J. Keat, D. J. L. Coxon, R. J. Cruddace, V. G. Stavros, M. E. Newton, J. Lloyd-Hughes, The 3237 cm-1 diamond defect: Ultrafast vibrational dynamics, concentration calibration, and relationship to the N3VH0 defect, Diamond and Related Materials 141, 110661 (2024).

[61] J. A. Krieger, D. Tay, I. P. Rusinov, S. Barua, P. K. Biswas, L. Korosec, T. Prokscha, T. Schmitt, N. B. M. Schröter, T. Shang, T. Shiroka, A. Suter, G. Balakrishnan, E. Chulkov, V. N. Strocov, Z. Salman, Hydrogen-impurity-induced unconventional magnetism in semiconducting molybdenum ditelluride, Physical Review Materials 7, 044414 (2023).

[62] A. Kurkin, Y. Lekina, D. G. Bradley, G. L. Seah, K. W. Tan, V. Lipik, J. Hanna, X. Zhang, A. L. Y. Tok, Unravelling the dynamic crosslinking mechanism in polyborosiloxane, Materials Today Chemistry 33, 101677 (2023).

[63] L. L. Lei, B. H. Zhao, X. D. Pei, L. Gao, Y. L. Wu, X. Y. Xu, P. Wang, S. S. Wu, S. Yuan, Optimizing Porous Metal-Organic Layers for Stable Zinc Anodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, 485-495 (2023).

[64] Y. Lekina, D. G. Bradley, Y. H. Xiao, A. Thanetchaiyakup, X. Zhao, J. Kaur, S. Chakraborty, H. S. Soo, J. V. Hanna, Z. X. Shen, Conformational Disorder in a Hybrid 2D Perovskite with a Long Aliphatic Chain under Pressure, Journal of Physical Chemistry C DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c02154 (2023).

[65] P. Li, H. Q. Ye, Y. Hu, Y. Fang, Z. G. Xiao, Z. Z. Wu, Z. Y. Shan, R. P. Singh, G. Balakrishnan, D. W. Shen, Y. F. Yang, C. Cao, N. C. Plumb, M. Smidman, M. Shi, J. Kroha, H. Q. Yuan, F. Steglich, Y. Liu, Photoemission signature of the competition between magnetic order and Kondo effect in CeCoGe3, Physical Review B 107, L201104 (2023).

[66] Y. T. Li, J. C. Xie, L. Sun, J. P. Zeng, L. Q. Zhou, Z. Q. Hao, L. J. Pan, J. D. Ye, P. Wang, Y. Li, J. B. Xu, Y. Shi, X. R. Wang, D. W. He, Monolayer Organic Crystals for Ultrahigh Performance Molecular Diodes, Advanced Science 11, (2024).

[67] R. X. Liu, L. Si, W. Niu, X. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen, C. Z. Zhu, W. Z. Zhuang, Y. D. Chen, L. Q. Zhou, C. C. Zhang, P. Wang, F. Q. Song, L. Tang, Y. B. Xu, Z. C. Zhong, R. Zhang, X. F. Wang, Light-Induced Mott-Insulator-to-Metal Phase Transition in Ultrathin Intermediate-Spin Ferromagnetic Perovskite Ruthenates, Advanced Materials 35, (2023).

[68] J. Lloyd-Hughes, Ieee, Multi-pixel Addressable Photoconductive Arrays for THz Beam Shaping and Polarization Control, 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THZ, 2023.

[69] J. L. Manson, D. M. Pajerowski, J. M. Donovan, B. Twamley, P. A. Goddard, R. Johnson, J. Bendix, J. Singleton, T. Lancaster, S. J. Blundell, J. Herbrych, P. J. Baker, A. J. Steele, F. L. Pratt, I. Franke-Chaudet, R. D. McDonald, A. Plonczak, P. Manuel, Spatially anisotropic S=1 square-lattice antiferromagnet with single-ion anisotropy realized in a Ni(II) pyrazine-n, n'-dioxide coordination polymer, Physical Review B 108, 094425 (2023).

[70] J. L. Manson, D. M. Pajerowski, J. M. Donovan, B. Twamley, P. A. Goddard, R. Johnson, J. Bendix, J. Singleton, T. Lancaster, S. J. Blundell, J. Herbrych, P. J. Baker, A. J. Steele, F. L. Pratt, I. Franke-Chaudet, R. D. McDonald, A. Plonczak, P. Manuel, Spatially anisotropic S=1 square-lattice antiferromagnet with single-ion anisotropy realized in a Ni(II) pyrazine-n, n'-dioxide coordination polymer, Physical Review B 108, 094425 (2023).

[71] J. E. March, B. D. Wood, C. J. Stephen, L. D. Fervenza, B. Breeze, S. Mandal, A. M. Edmonds, D. J. Twitchen, M. L. Markham, O. A. Williams, G. W. Morley, Long spin coherence and relaxation times in nanodiamonds milled from polycrystalline 12C diamond, Physical Review Applied 20, 044045 (2023).

[72] J. M. Marshall, Proton and gamma irradiation of novel tungsten boride and carbide candidate shielding materials, Fusion Engineering And Design 193, 113667 (2023).

[73] J. M. Marshall, G. Singh, Synthesis studies of radiation dense Reactive Sintered Borides (RSB) nuclear shielding materials, Materials Today Communications 36, 106765 (2023).

[74] R. McMillan, M. Tabatabaeipour, R. Hampson, C. Loukas, T. Y. Zhao, R. S. Edwards, C. MacLeod, G. Dobie, Characterization of EMAT Guided Wave Reflectivity on Welded Structures for Use in Ranging, Ieee Sensors Journal 23, 4383-4391 (2023).

[75] A. K. Mishra, S. S. Samatham, M. T. F. Telling, A. D. Hillier, M. R. Lees, K. G. Suresh, V. Ganesan, Quantum Griffiths phase in disordered Mn1-xFexSi, Physical Review B 107, L100405 (2023).

[76] P. J. Mousley, D. P. Woodruff, L. A. Rochford, H. Hussain, S. Moro, P. C. Ding, G. R. Bell, G. Costantini, C. Nicklin, Direct Experimental Determination of Ag Adatom Locations in TCNQ-Ag 2D Metal-Organic Framework on Ag(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry C DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c07683 (2023).

[77] I. Nefedova, R. Grigoriev, A. Tamminen, H. Rodilla, E. MacPherson, Z. Taylor, Ieee, Evidence of capillary action in multilayered fibrous media observed with THz spectroscopy, 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THZ, 2023.

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