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EPR Research Group

Our research group specialises in the development of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods and applies these techniques in the study of diamond, silicon, quantum information and dynamic nuclear polarization.

We are part of the Intergrated Magnetic Resonance Centre for Doctoral Training (iMR CDT) and the Warwick groups we collaborate with most closely include the Solid-State NMR Group, the Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group, the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group and NanoSilicon.

We use and develop a wide range of EPR spectrometers covering magnetic fields up to 14.1 T. EPR is an excellent way to study the dopants in crystals such as silicon and diamond which reveal new science as well as new technology including water quality sensors and quantum bits for futuristic computers.




September 2017:

Welcome to new PhD students Yash and Raj.

April 2017:

Angelo wins poster prize at the MRS meeting in Arizona!

December 2016: Fully-funded PhD studentship available to start October 2017

Paper out in Nature Photonics

October 2016:
Chem. Commun. paper out on optical DNP

Guy Stimpson joins the group as a DST CDT Phd student.

September 2016:
PRL paper out on qubits in free fall

November 2015:Welcome to new PDRA Matthew Dale working on photochemically generated spin hyperpolarization

September 2015: Phil Diggle and Enrik Nako join the group as DST CDT Phd Students

August 2015:We are hosting the QuICC summer school