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Physics Superconductivity and Magnetism

Superconductivity and Magnetism

The Superconductivity and Magnetism Group is part of Condensed Matter Physics in the Physics Department at the University of Warwick. The Superconductivity and Magnetism Group's research interests are centred around the properties of strongly correlated electron systems. The Group has three core activities:

  • single crystal growth and sample preparation,
  • measurements of magnetic, thermodynamic, and transport properties,
  • neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy studies.

    Group Facilities

    The Group Research Facilities section of our website contains a guide to the instruments and the different experimental techniques used by the Group.

    The facilities based at Warwick are available for use by other members of the Department, the University, and, through collaborations, external users. If you would like to know more please contact a member of the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group.

    Recent Paper Highlights

    Useful Links

    How to find us and more

    Practical information for visitors to Warwick University. How to get here

    PhD Opportunities
    Apply nowLink opens in a new window for PhD places to begin study in October 2025.
    PhD projects titles within the S&M Group.
    Post Doctoral Opportunities - position OPEN - APPLY NOW

    The Superconductivity and Magnetism Group currently is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow to work on a new EPSRC Funded project

    Controlling the formation and properties of topological magnetic phenomena

    Please visit our Opportunities pageLink opens in a new window for further details on this fixed term appointment as well as details on other fellowship applications.

    Superconductivity & Magnetism Group Photos

    Physics Department Home PageLink opens in a new window
    Condensed Matter Physics GroupLink opens in a new window
    Who's who

    Contact details of all members of the Group past and present 


    Listings of all the Group Publications classified by year and by subject.

    You can find all our pre-prints on the opens in a new window or the Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAPLink opens in a new window)