The Superconductivity and Magnetism Group here at Warwick has a range of interests that are centred around the properties of strongly correlated electron systems (SCES). Materials that can be classed as SCES include:
SuperconductorsLink opens in a new window:- we study both conventional and the new high temperature superconductors as well as superconductors exhibiting more exotic properties such as p and d wave superconductivity, multi-band behaviour, non-centrosymmetric superconductivity, the peak effect, and the coexistence of superconductivity with long-range magnetic order.
Magnetic materialsLink opens in a new window:- we are interested in all kinds of magnetic materials ranging from simple ferromagnets and antiferromagnets to systems with complex, incommensurate magnetic structures, frustrated magnetic systems and magnets with low-dimensionality.
Oxide materials:- we study oxides showing multiferroic behaviour, magnetic field induced changes in structure, charge ordering, stripe phases and spin Peierls transitions.
Metallic systems:- we work on heavy fermions (with non-magnetic, magnetic or superconducting ground states), fluctuating or intermediate valence systems and Kondo lattices.
Over the last thirty years the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group has worked towards building a better understanding of the physics of these materials.
How are these Research Pages arranged?
In the following we describe how the Group is structured and how it operates. We also discuss a few examples of the kind of research projects undertaken by the Group and try to give a flavour of the work that we are involved in. If you don't have time to read the whole thing you can choose any of the sections as they are all more or less self-contained.
Group Research Facilities
You may also be interested in the Group Research Facilities pages that describe the experimental facilities available to the members of the Group. These include the apparatus based here at Warwick and the larger scale facilities such as neutron sources that we make use of during the course of our work. There are also links to some relevant external sites.
PhD Research Projects
If you are thinking about doing an MSc or a PhD you should visit the Research projects section of this site. Here, some of the current and former members of the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group describe their research projects. There is also information on how to apply for an MSc or PhD place here at Warwick.