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Omicron XPS System

Our Omicron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system is a state-of-the-art surface analysis chamber, offering high resolution XPS and UPS measurements, and a range of sample preparation facilities.


XPS Capabilities

  • Monochromated Al Kα X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
  • Typical resolution = 0.47 eV.
  • Typical XPS probing depth of 2-10 nm.
  • Operating pressure ~ 2 x10-11 mbar.
  • Minimum probing area: 60 μm x 60 μm
  • Maximum probing area: 1.75 mm x 2.75 mm
  • Range of take-off angles available for more surface sensitive experiments.
Other System Features
  • Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS).
  • Typical resolution = 0.2 eV, highest resolution = 0.12 eV.
  • Low energy ion guns on both chambers for sample cleaning.
  • Ports for evaporation cells on the adjacent preparation chamber.
  • Computer-controlled sample annealing up to 850 C in both chambers.
  • Fast entry chamber for sample loading and integrated in-vacuum transfer
    system, including our new three-stage sample loader.
  • UHV transfer to our ARPES / LEED chamber.
  • Sample carousel with 12 slots for sample storage in UHV conditions.
  • Sample dimensions must be no greater than ~ 12 x 12 x 5 mm.


How to find us....

Please come and see Marc Walker in his office, P428, in the Department of Physics.

Tel: 02476 151776.


Omicron XPS Instrument Photos


