LBNE UK Planning Meeting
Please submit any presentations or additional material via the upload page
The meeting will take place in room 523 on the top floor of the Warwick Physics Building. Start time is 11.00 with a buffet lunch provided at 13.00 and nominal end-time of 16.00.
Visiting information can be found here
1. Status and discussion of SoI (All)
2. Discussions of possible UK 35 ton prototype activities (Neil/Jeff)
3. LArIAT:
- Idea for a new LArIAT protoype detector (Christos/Stefan)
4. Possible UK contributions to LBNE DAQ (Giles)
5. Software and reconstruction work:
- Other LBNE software opportunties (Andy/John)
6. Cosmogenics simulations (Vitaly)
7. Other topics: Near detector ? CERN 6m3 prototype?