George Hallett
George Hallett
Hi I'm George, a first year PhD student here at the University of Warwick working on the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment at CERN.
I am supervised by Dr. Michal Kreps and Dr. Thomas Latham.
I am working on the charmless B decay of , where are kaons or pions.
Research Topic
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is a theoretical framework describing the fundamental particles and their interactions. This comprehensive model combines the forces of electromagnetism, the strong force and weak interactions, and it has successfully predicted the discovery of new particles, like the Higgs boson. However, it is incomplete - it cannot explain why our universe is composed of matter. Theoretical expectations suggest the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of both, implying that certain processes favour matter production over antimatter. This is known as charge-parity violation (CPV) and the SM doesn't account for our observations. The LHCb experiment, through its focus on the study of B hadrons, aims to shed light on CP violating processes, which are crucial for understanding the matter-antimatter asymmetry.
- I am currently teaching the Microprocessors lab for second year undergraduates (2023-2024).
- I am also teaching in the Electronics lab for first year undergraduates (2023-2024).
- I am an exam invigilator for undergraduate students (2023-2024).
- I am participating in the "I'm a Scientist" program.
- I completed my integrated masters (MPhys) here at the University of Warwick (2019-2023).
- My final year project was also in LHCb working on inclusive flavour tagging of beauty hadrons using a recurrent neural network (RNN), supervised by Dr. Matt Kenzie.
Contact Details
Address: Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL