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Qiyu Yan

My name is Qiyu Yan (严启宇), and I am a visiting PhD student from the University of the Chinese Academy of SciencesLink opens in a new window. Currently, I am participating in the JUNO experiment, a large-scale neutrino experiment located in China.

My primary focus lies in the comprehensive study of GeV neutrino interactions. Modeling of the interaction plays a pivotal role in understanding atmospheric neutrino events in JUNO detector. Not only do atmospheric neutrinos serve as a valuable source for mass order sensitivity, but they also play a critical role as a background for nucleon decays and diffuse supernova neutrinos.

My ultimate objective is to collaborate closely with esteemed theorists in order to enhance our comprehension of GeV neutrino interactions. This will be achieved through the development of robust theoretical models and the optimization of model parameters by leveraging the wealth of experimental data available. By doing so, I aim to advance our understanding of how the detector interacts with atmospheric neutrinos, leading to improved reconstruction of atmospheric events, more accurate sensitivity and systematic error estimations, and enhanced background knowledge for detecting other rare phenomena.

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A photo of me inside the LS hall of JUNO experiment


Office: P450


Department of Physics

University of Warwick


Supervisor: Xianguo Lu