BaBar Analysis Documents
- BAD1281 "Unitarity Triangle Angle Measurements at BaBar" (La Thuile 2005 write-up)
- BAD1376 "A time-dependent Dalitz-plot analysis of the decay B0 -> KS pi+ pi-" (supporting doc)
- BAD1510 "Observation of the decay B+ -> K+K-pi+" (supporting doc)
- BAD1512 "Study of the B+ -> K+pi-pi+ Dalitz plot" (supporting doc)
- BAD1615 "Extracting longitudinal shower depth from crystal calorimetry plus tracking" (NIM paper)
- BAD1655 "Erratum for BAD 860 - Kpipi PRD"
- BAD1656 "Study of multi-body charmless B decays with the BaBar detector" (ICHEP 2006 Proceedings)
- BAD1785 "Observation of the Decay B+ -> K+K-pi+" (PRL paper)
- BAD1819 "A new Track-Bump Matching Algoritm for the BaBar EMC"
- BAD1820 "Time-dependent Dalitz Plot analysis of B0->pi+pi-Ks" (LP07 conf paper)
- BAD1827 "Study of the B+ -> K+pi-pi+ Dalitz plot" (PRD paper)
- BAD1852 "Amplitude models of charmless three-body decay modes"
- BAD1884 "Measurement of CP Violation Parameters with an Amplitude Analysis of B+ -> pi+pi+pi-" (supporting doc)
- BAD1897 "π0 Efficiency Measurement Using Tau Decays"
- BAD1903 "Analysis of B->KsKsπ+ decays" (supporting doc)
- BAD1914 "Charmless Hadronic B Decays at BABAR" (conference write-up)
- BAD1934 "Time-dependent Dalitz Plot analysis of B0->π+π-Ks" (paper draft)
- BAD1980 "Inclusive branching fraction measurements of SM-suppressed modes B+ -> K- π+ π+ and B+ -> K+ K+ π-" (supporting doc)
- BAD2039 "Search for the decay B± → KSKSπ±" (PRD(R) paper)
- BAD2043 "Search for the highly suppressed decays B- → K+π-π- and B- → K-K-π+ " (PRD(R) paper)
- BAD2089 "Measurement of CP Violation Parameters with an Amplitude Analysis of B+ → π+π+π-" (PRD paper)
- BAD2094 "Measurement of inclusive branching fraction of B+ -> K+ π0 π0" (supporting doc)
- BAD2112 "Run1-5 Time-dependent amplitude analysis of B0 -> Ks π+ π- decays" (supporting doc)
- BAD2154 "Search for the decay B0 → Ks K+- π-+" (supporting doc)
- BAD2164 "Determination of cos(2β) and sin(2β) from time-dependent Dalitz-plot analysis of B0 → DCPπ+π-" (supporting doc)
- BAD2187 "Search for the decay B0 → Ks K+- π-+" (journal draft)
- BAD2261 "The Punzi Effect in Dalitz Plot Analyses"
- BAD2296 "Search for B+- → Ks K+- π0" (supporting doc)
- BAD2300 "Measurement of inclusive branching fraction of B+ → K+ π0 π0" (conference paper draft)
- BAD2341 "Dalitz-plot analysis of B0 → D0bar π+π-" (conference paper draft)
- BAD2396 "Measurement of the inclusive branching fraction and CP asymmetry of B+ → K+π0π0 and intermediate resonant decays"