BaBar talks given by members of the Warwick group
Tom Latham |
2005 Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aouste |
Unitarity Triangle Angle Measurements at BaBar |
Gagan Mohanty |
2005 Frontier Science - New Frontiers in Subnuclear Physics | New hadron spectroscopy with BABAR |
Gagan Mohanty |
2006 Ninth Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology |
Dalitz Plot Analysis of Charmless 3-body B decays |
Marco Pappagallo |
2006 International Workshop On Tau-Charm Physics (Charm 2006) | Charm Dalitz Analysis at BaBar |
Tom Latham | 2006 International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP'06) | Study of multi-body Charmless B decays with the BaBar experiment |
Gagan Mohanty |
2007 21st International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos |
Study of b -> s decays at BaBar |
Gagan Mohanty | 2007 - XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron 07 | Charmless Hadronic B decays at BaBar |
Gagan Mohanty | 2008 - CKM 2008 Fifth workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle | alpha from B to rho pi |
Tom Latham | 2008 - CKM 2008 Fifth workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle | Gamma (and related matters) from K pi pi Dalitz plots |
Tim Gershon | 2008 - Physics at the LHC | Results from the B factories |
Jelena Ilic | Annual Workshop and Mid-Term Review Meeting of the European Flavour Physics Network FLAVIAnet (EuroFlavour 08) | charmless 3-body B decays |
Gagan Mohanty |
KEK seminar |
Recent Results on Charmless Hadronic B Decays at BABAR |
Tom Latham | 2009 - Europhysics Conference On High Energy Physics (EPS HEP 2009) | Three-body charmless hadronic B decays at BABAR |
Tim Gershon | 2009 - 22nd International Workshop On Weak Interactions And Neutrinos (WIN09) | Weak Decays, CP Violation and CKM (experimental) |
Tim Gershon | 2010 - Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-XI) | Current and Future B Physics Experiments |
Tom Latham | 2010 - 35th International Conference On High Energy Physics: ICHEP 2010 | Dalitz-plot analysis of B0 -> D0 pi+ pi- |
Eugenia Puccio | 2010 - 6th International Workshop On The CKM Unitarity Triangle: CKM 2010 | Determination of gamma from B->K*pi decays and related modes |
Eugenia Puccio |
2011 - Europhysics Conference On High Energy Physics: HEP 2011 (EPS-HEP2011) | Charmless Hadronic B Decays with BABAR |
Tim Gershon | 2011 -XXV International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (Lepton-Photon 2011) | Overview of CKM Matrix |