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Members of Group

Aidan Horne

Aidan Horne (PhD)

I am working on using 4D-STEM to retrieve magnetic features of electron diffraction data and will later combine this with tilt tomography to map magnetism in 3D.


Yu Lei (PhD)

For my PhD I am combining AI-enhanced ptychography with single-particle analysis, to potentially reveal and examine the 3D structures of the small molecules in near-atomic resolution.


Natalie Nord (PhD)

She is working on using defocussed probe electron ptychography to image large areas of biological samples at dose-limited resolution. Her efforts include developing new methods for improving data-acquisition and the development of novel reconstruction algorithms, with a focus on targeting high-performance compute clusters.

Sean Wu

Sean Wu (PhD)

Rhys Jones

Rhys Jones (PhD)

Youhong Jiang

Youhong Jiang

Visiting Scientist

Wei Mao

Wei Mao

Visiting PhD Student

Liqi Zhou

Liqi Zhou

Visiting Scientist

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Yi Zhou

Visiting Scientist

Former students:

2019-2022 Futao Zhang, Yuelei Zhu, Yiming, Wu

2018-2021 Weiyang Zhang

2017-2022 Yifan Wei

2017-2020 Zhiyuan Ding

2017-2020 Zhen Han

2017-2020 Yuzhang Feng

2016-2019 Biying Song

2016-2019 Jiamei Song

2016-2019 Min Gu

2015-2018 Mian Zhang

2015-2018 Sheng Xu

2014-2017 Zhoushen Yuan

2014-2017 Chenyi Gu

2013-2016 Dianxiang Ji

2012-2015 Qian Xu

2011-2013 Si Gao