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This toolbox supports you take control of your academic performance while offering learning-by-applying opportunities for a wide range of skills. These include tools for managing time, stress, risks, projects, team coordination, and more.

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OneDrive shared file space

File space used for resource sharing, particularly useful for group projects. Can work on documents at the same time as other people.

Further info about OneDriveLink opens in a new window.

Resources Project management

Messaging platforms

e.g., WhatsApp, Slack, Discord. Students communicate though particular online platforms.

Further info. about SlackLink opens in a new window

Further info. about DiscordLink opens in a new window

Communication Resources

Student pages/handbooks

Contains information about the degree.

Further information about Student pagesLink opens in a new window.

Curriculum design

Dealing with decision paralysis

3 tips on how to deal with decision paralysis

Further information about Decision paralysisLink opens in a new window.

Study techniques

Outlook Calendar

Link calendars together (including Tabula).

Further information about OutlookLink opens in a new window.

Personal time management

MyWarwick app

For timetables, bus schedules, coursework reminders etc.

Further information about My Warwick appLink opens in a new window.


Doodle poll (or similar) for setting up meetings

Polling for meeting times.

Doodle PollsLink opens in a new window.


Related to Doodle: Outlook Scheduling Poll

Polling for meetings but integrates with Outlook calendar and automatically schedules the meetings and creates and manages holds.

Outlook Scheduling PollLink opens in a new window.


Interaction with teaching staff members

Office hours.

University of Warwick Office HoursLink opens in a new window.


Microsoft Project

Available with Warwick account – manage and assign tasks, track timelines.

Microsoft Project Management SoftwareLink opens in a new window.

Project management

Uni of Derby

Specific advice on dealing with dominant/quiet/unsupportive group members.

University of Derby Group Member AdviceLink opens in a new window.


Warwick Uni – Advice for creating group advice

Resource that explains the rationale behind groupwork.

Groupwork Rationale at Warwick UniversityLink opens in a new window.

Resources Team planning

MoSCoW Method

Gather all tasks from your team members into a shared space, like an app listed above. Now you're set to use methods to prioritize together.

  • Must-haves (Critical for success)
  • Should-haves (Important, not critical)
  • Could-haves (Nice to have)
  • Won't-haves (Not in scope now)

MoSCoW Prioritization MethodLink opens in a new window.

Project management

ABCDE Method

Prioritize tasks by consequences:

  • A: Highest for today; serious consequences if not done
  • B: Important to do today; only minor consequences
  • C: Nice to get done today; no consequences at all
  • D: Delegate whenever possible; focus on your A's
  • E: Eliminate altogether; stop doing the unimportant

Learn the ABCDE MethodLink opens in a new window.

Project management


Managing group members who don’t contribute.

Managing Low-Performing TeamsLink opens in a new window.


Microsoft Loop

Delegate tasks and check for progress in the group, communicate and make decisions together.

Microsoft LoopLink opens in a new window.



Simplify notes by creating mind maps easily through the website.

MindMeister Mind MapsLink opens in a new window.



See the work-in-progress through the app. A checklist but for groups.

ClickUp for TeamsLink opens in a new window.


Gantt Chart

Visually shows a project plan over time. It shows the timeline and status of completion.

What is a Gantt Chart?Link opens in a new window.

Project Management

RICE Method

Use the RICE formula to prioritize tasks:

The formula is: (Reach * Impact * Confidence) / Effort


  • Reach (R): Number of people it'll affect
  • Impact (I): How much it'll help
  • Confidence (C): How sure you are
  • Effort (E): How hard it'll be

A higher score indicates a higher priority.

Learn more about the RICE MethodLink opens in a new window.

Project management Organisation


Visual workspace featuring blank canvas and templates for strategies & planning, process mapping, mind mapping, retrospectives and more that can be used in conjunction with online meeting platforms.

Further info about MiroLink opens in a new window.


A physical blackboard or whiteboard

Being able to map things out / draw things across a space is very useful.

CommunicationTaking notes


Pooling for meeting times without adds.

Further info about RalllyLink opens in a new window.

Scheduling Communication


Task organisation for individuals and teams.

Further info about TrelloLink opens in a new window.

Task management

Kanban Boards

Tool used to organise tasks into columns representing stages of a workflow. Consists of:

  1. Columns — represent stages of the workflow
  2. Cards — represent individual tasks that moves across columns

Further info about Kanban BoardsLink opens in a new window.

Organisation Communication Management


Tool used to find when people are available to meet.

Further info about When2meetLink opens in a new window.

Scheduling Communication Project management

Planning Fallacy

Description and illustration of the “planning fallacy” which is the human tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task.

Further info about Planning FallacyLink opens in a new window.

Project management Scheduling

Resolving Conflicts

Difficult dynamic in student accommodation, working on a group project, or having a disagreement with friends form part of all students lives. To help tackle those contentious scenarios in a mature and level-headed way, here are six tips towards finding solutions for a range of situations.

Further info about Resolving ConflictsLink opens in a new window.

Conflict resolution

Conflicts in Group Work

Managing group work can be tough but it is better to deal with them as they arise – this will stop them from escalating and will help get your group back on track. Common issues covered here are: communication, personal issues, unequal contribution, lacking focus, missing deadlines.

Further info about Conflicts in Group WorkLink opens in a new window.

Conflict resolution Project management Communication Scheduling

Beyond Intractability

A conflict resolution guide for students by the University of Colorado Conflict Research Consortium. Steps:

  1. Know your group and how to contact them
  2. Clarify whole-group goals/tasks
  3. Break down the work
  4. Cooperate/coordinate while each works on their tasks
  5. Finishing up

Troubleshooting includes separating people from problems, dealing with strong emotions, effective communication, focus on interests rather than positions, and finding creative solutions.

Further info about Beyond IntractabilityLink opens in a new window.

Conflict resolution Project management Communication

6 Tips for Successful Group Projects

Steps towards productive group projects:

  1. Assign responsibilities
  2. Set deadlines
  3. Time for the group to form
  4. Communicate effectively
  5. Connections with others
  6. Celebrate accomplishments

Further info about 6 Tips for Successful Group ProjectsLink opens in a new window.

Conflict resolution Project management Communication

Hackathon Podcasts with Dominic Norton

Goes much beyond just Hackathon events by covering topics such as how to design conversations that matter, innovation, remote hacking, mentoring, diversity, minimal and adaptive coordination.

Further info about Hackathon Podcasts with Dominic NortonLink opens in a new window.

Conflict resolution Communication

Making Mistakes at Work: What to Do if You're in the Wrong

This article aims to provide a deeper insight into why this fear of making mistakes at work exists and how to overcome it. We’ll also provide advice to managers on how to react and problem solve collaboratively as a team.

Further info about Making Mistakes at WorkLink opens in a new window.

Project management Communication Conflict resolution

Difficult Conversations

Feedback is a key driver of performance and leadership effectiveness. But processing and acting on negative feedback is not always easy. Five empirically-supported actions can help you hear critical feedback openly and calmly, intentionally mine it for insight, and harness it to improve without collateral damage to your confidence and self-concept.

Further info about Difficult ConversationsLink opens in a new window.

Communication Conflict resolution

Course Handbook

Contains information about your degree course. You can usually find them in the section for current students on your department’s home page. Below are two examples.

Further info about Course Handbook (Engineering)Link opens in a new window

Further info about Course Handbook (Statistics)Link opens in a new window


Module Catalogue

Details about modules.

Further info about Module CatalogueLink opens in a new window.


Academic Integrity

University regulations about plagiarism, poor academic works, and copying work from peers.

Further info about Academic IntegrityLink opens in a new window.

Resources Curriculum Study techniques

Warwick Careers Blog – Advice on Decision Making

Steps to break down a problem to enable you to make decisions more easily.

Further info about Warwick Careers Blog – Advice on Decision MakingLink opens in a new window.

Study techniques

Uni of Edinburgh – Advice for Decision-Making

Advice on reframing decision making, how to make sure you’re asking the question, and to make your decision making ‘mathematical’.

Further info about Uni of Edinburgh – Advice for Decision-MakingLink opens in a new window.

Study techniques Making choices

TEDx Talk on Indecision

How do we overcome indecision?

Further info about TEDx Talk on IndecisionLink opens in a new window.

Study Techniques Making choices

Decision Biases

The science is clear: humans take mental shortcuts. Here is a list of biases that occur as a result and influence our decisions in everyday and work live (including financial and medical choices).

Further info about Decision BiasesLink opens in a new window.

Making choices

Decision making

Guide to foundational concepts in decision-making with relevance to machine learning, AI, and information.

Further info about Decision makingLink opens in a new window.


The Decision Corner (podcast)

Practical insights & advice on how we can use science to improve our decisions as individuals and as a society, from some of the world’s top experts.

Further info about The Decision Corner (podcast)Link opens in a new window.


Lessons Log template

Complete a lessons log when moving through a project, use when planning and making decisions about how to carry out a future project – IGNORE the high level PRINCE2 speak – but more about the concept of a space to note what worked well\what didn’t work well and use this as a tool to help make decisions.

Further info about Lessons Log templateLink opens in a new window.


11 Decision-Making Tools To Help You Succeed in the Workplace

Blog on decision making tools to use in the workplace.

Further info about 11 Decision-Making Tools To Help You Succeed in the WorkplaceLink opens in a new window.


Employability skills

A set of attributes, skills and knowledge that all labour market participants should possess to ensure they have the capability of being effective in the workplace – to the benefit of themselves, their employer and the wider economy.

Further info about Employability skillsLink opens in a new window.


Teamwork skills

All employers are keen to recruit employees who can cooperate, solve problems and work in teams. As less hierarchical organisations have emerged with project teams, self-managed work teams and management teams, so the requirements to 'Get on well with people', and to 'Work with and through others' become increasingly important. Teamwork involves working confidently within a group, contributing your own ideas effectively, taking a share of the responsibility, being assertive - rather than passive or aggressive, accepting and learning from constructive criticism and giving positive, constructive feedback to others.

Further info about Teamwork skillsLink opens in a new window.

Communication Project management

How can students use SWOT analysis to improve their academic performance and skills?

A SWOT analysis looks at the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats.

This is a Project Management framework that helps analyse an internal and external environment. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors that you can control or improve, such as your skills, knowledge, habits, or resources. Opportunities and threats are the external factors that you cannot control but can influence or respond to. Used for planning and pitching a project to externals stakeholders.

Further info about How can students use SWOT analysis to improve their academic performance and skills?Link opens in a new window.


Decision making to priorities - 3-3-3 Method

  1. Devote 3 hours to deep work on your most important task.
    • Have defined goals to get done.
  2. Complete 3 other urgent, but shorter tasks.
    • Several minutes each like meetings, calls, etc.
  3. Do 3 "maintenance" tasks.
    • Cleaning, emails, exercise, journaling, etc.

Further info about 3-3-3 MethodLink opens in a new window


Decision making - Eisenhower Matrix

List all your tasks and sort them into four categories:

  • Do: Urgent and important tasks.
  • Decide: Important but not urgent tasks.
  • Delegate: Urgent but not important tasks.
  • Delete: Not urgent/not important tasks.

Further info about Eisenhower MatrixLink opens in a new window


Decision making to priorities - Ivy Lee Method

  • List 6 tasks for tomorrow
  • Order them by importance
  • Start your day with task 1; work until it's done
  • Move on to task 2; finish it; then task 3, etc.
  • At day's end, move left-over tasks to next day

Further info about Ivy Lee MethodLink opens in a new window


Decision making to priorities - Warren Buffett’s 5/25 Method

  • List your top 25 initiatives
  • Rank them by importance
  • Split the list: Top 5 | Others
  • Do the top 5
  • Avoid the others at all cost
  • When finished with 5, start over

Further info about Warren Buffett’s 5/25 MethodLink opens in a new window


“How to make smart decisions without getting lucky”

An article regarding some possible ways on making decisions.

Further info on smart decision makingLink opens in a new window


Understand Plan Do Review Method

Used in commercial environments primarily but applicable here.

Further info on Understand Plan Do Review MethodLink opens in a new window


Cost-Benefit Analysis

A straightforward way to analyze potential outcomes of a decision by comparing its pros and cons. Steps:

  • List all the benefits
  • List all the costs
  • Assign values to prioritize
  • Compare

Further info on Cost-Benefit AnalysisLink opens in a new window


Six Thinking Hats

A technique that is used to explore problems through different lenses. Each hat represents a different perspective.

Further info on Six Thinking HatsLink opens in a new window

Organising thoughts Wellbeing


Thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.

Further info on untoolsLink opens in a new window

Organising thoughts Wellbeing


Platform to create mindmaps.

Further info on SimpleMindLink opens in a new window

Organising thoughts


Beginners' guide and video to learn how to meditate and about the benefits of meditation as a way to pause, breathe and reset.

Further info on MeditationLink opens in a new window

Organising thoughts


Visual workspace featuring blank canvas and templates for strategies & planning, process mapping, mind mapping, retrospectives and more.

Further info on MiroLink opens in a new window

Taking notes Organising thoughts

Library productivity tools

Many apps and software can aid and improve productivity. Here is a list of either University licensed or free tools, which can be filtered by productivity need and/or your operating system.

Further info on Library productivity toolsLink opens in a new window

Study techniques Prioritisation Organising thoughts


270 train and coach operators for 45 countries in one place to find live times, cheap tickets (e.g. split tickets), and more.

Further info on TrainlineLink opens in a new window



Bus service and related links for Coventry and West Midlands.

Further info on BusesLink opens in a new window


Getting to Warwick University

How to get to the university by various means of transportations.

Further info on Getting to Warwick UniversityLink opens in a new window


Library productivity tools

Many apps and software can aid and improve productivity. Here is a list of either University licensed or free tools, which can be filtered by productivity need and/or your operating system.

Further info on Library productivity toolsLink opens in a new window

Personal time management Writing Wellbeing

Tabula Calendar linking with Outlook and other calendars

Lectures, seminars etc. in your phone, tablet, computer calendar.

Further info on Tabula Calendar linking with Outlook and other calendarsLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

SU Wellbeing

Student Union’s wellbeing page shows a range of pathways to wellbeing.

Further info on SU WellbeingLink opens in a new window


University of Oxford Counselling Service Podcast

These podcasts have been developed to address some of the particular concerns that students at the University of Oxford speak about when they attend the Counselling Service.

Further info on University of Oxford Counselling Service PodcastLink opens in a new window



Beginners' guide and video to learn how to meditate and about the benefits of meditation as a way to pause, breathe and reset.

Further info on MeditationLink opens in a new window


Stay focussed

Forest/Flora apps – ‘gamifying’ focus by incentivising you to stay focused on your work.


Focus timer

Online pomodoro timer

Further info on Focus timerLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

Take a breath

Take a Breath is a science-backed learning resource and breathe trainer. It teaches the direct and causal link between stress and anxiety, and the way humans breathe, and includes a plan to reset your breathing patterns. (Helps with restricting social media usage.)

Further info on Take a BreathLink opens in a new window



Referencing software provided by the university. Useful for dissertations.

Further info on EndnoteLink opens in a new window

Taking notes

Wellbeing services and other related events

Student wellbeing landing pages with links to self-help and self-care resources, advice on work-life balance, weekly wellbeing themes, and individualised support.


Student minds

We empower students to build their own mental health toolkit to support themselves and their peers through university life and beyond.

Further info on Student MindsLink opens in a new window


Young minds

Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling, get information about a mental health condition or find support, our guides can help.

Further info on Young mindsLink opens in a new window


Courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy

Dr. René Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.


BBC Ideas

How to boost your resilience to challenges.

Techniques for dealing with pressure.


Bullet Journaling

Advice from the inventor of bullet journaling on how and why it can work for you.

Further info on Bullet JournalingLink opens in a new window

Taking notes

Making Mistakes at Work: What to Do if You're in the Wrong

This article aims to provide a deeper insight into why this fear of making mistakes at work exists and how to overcome it. We’ll also provide advice to managers on how to react and problem solve collaboratively as a team.

Further info on Making Mistakes at WorkLink opens in a new window

Task management Wellbeing Motivation

Pomodoro Technique

  1. Decide on the task to be done.
  2. Set the timer for 25 minutes.
  3. Work on the task until the timer rings.
  4. Take a 5-minute break.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until you complete four Pomodoros.
  6. Take a longer break (15-30 minutes).
  7. Go back to step 1 and start a new cycle.

Further info on Pomodoro TechniqueLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

Productivity Method: 2 Minute Rule

  1. Estimate the time for each of your tasks.
  2. If it will take less than 2 minutes, do it right away.
  • Don't postpone it or add it to your to-do list
  • If it will take more than 2 minutes:
  • Delegate it, defer it, or
  • Break it down into smaller steps that can be done in 2 minutes or less.

Further info on 2 Minute RuleLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

Eat the Frog

Tackle the most challenging task first in the morning.

Further info on Eat the FrogLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

1-3-5 Rule

At the start of each day, identify:

  • 1 big thing to accomplish,
  • 3 medium things, and
  • 5 small tasks.

Further info on 1-3-5 RuleLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

Not to Do List

Identify tasks or activities that are not essential or that can be delegated, and stop doing them.

Further info on Not to Do ListLink opens in a new window

Personal time management

Pareto Principle (80/20 rule)

(Yes the same one that has the distribution)

  • 20% Effort - Identify tasks that require low effort but have high impact.
  • 80% Results - Focus on these tasks to get the best results.

Say yes - Prioritize these high-impact tasks.
Say no - Minimize or outsource the rest.

Further info on Pareto PrincipleLink opens in a new window

Personal time management Wellbeing Motivation


An organising tool that can separate tasks based on different parts of your life (work, school, life etc.)

Visit TodoistLink opens in a new window

Personal time management Task management

Manage tasks and lists with sync across your devices.

Visit Any.doLink opens in a new window

Personal time management Task management

Productivity Articles

Covers a range of topics that help to reflect on and increase productivity.

Read Productivity ArticlesLink opens in a new window

Motivation Task management

You’ve Made a Mistake. Now What?

If you’ve made a mistake at work, — and, again, who hasn’t? — you can recover gracefully and use the experience to learn and grow.

Read MoreLink opens in a new window

Motivation Wellbeing

Dual Self Model

It has been observed that there is a heightened level of competition among students based on habits of comparing oneself with others (e.g. via LinkedIn, Insta, and other social media) rather than focusing on personal achievements. This creates an individual deficit model. It seems related to the dual-self model in behavior psychology where students appear to place themselves in constant deficit to their dual self. Critical reflection and awareness can help towards mitigating negative effects.

Learn about Dual Self ModelLink opens in a new window

Wellbeing Motivation

Six Reasons Why Making Mistakes Can Be Good for You

No one likes making mistakes – they can make us feel embarrassed, frustrated, and stupid. But while it’s obviously important to get things right, messing up isn’t always such a bad thing.

Read MoreLink opens in a new window

Motivation Wellbeing

The Power of Learning From Your Mistakes

As a leadership coach, I have seen how leaders and their teams have benefited from adopting a different mindset towards mistakes and failure to promote engagement, creativity, and innovation in the workplace. Here are five strategies to help you do just that.

Read MoreLink opens in a new window

Motivation Wellbeing

Farnam Street

A collection of articles that talks about other people’s experiences on everything in websites and podcats.

Visit Farnam StreetLink opens in a new window

Wellbeing Motivation


Task organisation for individuals and teams.

Visit TrelloLink opens in a new window

Personal time management Task management


Helps keep the metabolism high and get things done.

Read MoreLink opens in a new window (An article about exercise and routines.)

Personal time management Wellbeing

Couch to 5K

NHS Couch to 5K will help you gradually work up towards running 5km in just 9 weeks.

Start Couch to 5KLink opens in a new window


Running Apps

Review of a variety of running apps.

Explore Running AppsLink opens in a new window


Relaxation Techniques by NHS Trusts

These exercises are designed to teach you simple relaxation techniques to help manage some of these emotions more effectively. These include breathing, yoga, visualisation, and progressive muscle relaxation.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (NHS)

Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PGMR) is a technique that teaches you how to become more aware of tension and relax different muscles in your body. It can help you feel calmer, reduce headaches, stomach aches, and improve sleep.


Sleep and Meditation/Relaxation

Meditation is a practice that can prepare our bodies and minds for a restful night's sleep. It can help us fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and deeper. Meditation exercises enable us to relax, unwind, and let go of thoughts or worries from the day.

Learn More about Meditation for SleepLink opens in a new window


The Most Dangerous Writing App

A website where you must keep writing or else all progress will be lost. Ideal for people who thrive under pressure.

Explore The Most Dangerous Writing AppLink opens in a new window

Taking notes

MS Focus Time

The focus time feature in Office 365 Calendar allows you to block time to focus on your work. It synchronizes across Microsoft applications like Outlook Calendar and Microsoft Teams to minimize disruptions.

Learn about Focus Time in Office 365Link opens in a new window

Personal time management

Microsoft Apps

A page listing all useful apps that can be used with a Microsoft account.

Explore Microsoft AppsLink opens in a new window



Great for procrastinators. Habitica turns your to-dos into a role-playing game to motivate you to complete tasks.

Visit HabiticaLink opens in a new window


Huberman Lab

A podcast discussing practical tips for improving mental and physical well-being.

Explore Huberman Lab PodcastLink opens in a new window


Sleep Cycle

By tracking your movement, the Sleep Cycle app determines the optimal time to wake you up from your sleep, aiming to improve your overall sleep quality.

Download Sleep Cycle AppLink opens in a new window


NHS Mindfulness

Mindfulness tips and support from the NHS to help manage stress and improve mental wellbeing.

Explore NHS MindfulnessLink opens in a new window

Wellbeing Motivation


A quiet place at Warwick University for prayer, meditation, study, or relaxation.

Visit Warwick ChaplaincyLink opens in a new window

Wellbeing Motivation

Warwick Emergency List

Emergency support contacts both on and off campus at Warwick University.

View Warwick Emergency ListLink opens in a new window


Wellbeing and Student Support

Resources and support for students to develop personal resources and skills to navigate university life, including classes, counselling, and advice.

Explore Wellbeing and Student Support at WarwickLink opens in a new window


Warwick Counselling and Psychotherapy Services

Various mental health support resources and counselling services available at Warwick University.

Learn about Warwick Counselling ServicesLink opens in a new window

Mental health

National Health Service (NHS)

NHS landing page providing access to Health A-Z, Medicines A-Z, Women’s health information, and the NHS App.

Visit NHS WebsiteLink opens in a new window


NHS Services

Information on various NHS services including Covid, GPs, Pharmacies, Prescriptions, Mental Health support, and visiting/moving guidelines.

Explore NHS ServicesLink opens in a new window


NHS Mental Health Services

Guidance on accessing NHS mental health services and where to find urgent help.

Learn about NHS Mental Health ServicesLink opens in a new window


Oxford Dictionary

A collection of 15 Oxford dictionaries, Thesaurus, and audio pronunciations.

Explore Oxford DictionariesLink opens in a new window



Tool for checking grammar and writing style. Requires an account to sign up, but any email address will suffice.

Check GrammarlyLink opens in a new window


Common English Grammar Mistakes

A guide to common English grammar mistakes and how to correct them.

View Common Grammar MistakesLink opens in a new window



Ursafe allows you to send an SOS signal to designated contacts or emergency services by pressing a button or using a key phrase. Features include GPS, crash and fall detection, and live audio and visual streaming.

Visit UrsafeLink opens in a new window


Planning Fallacy

Description and illustration of the "planning fallacy," which is the tendency to underestimate the time required to complete a task.

Learn about Planning FallacyLink opens in a new window

Task management


Notion is a versatile platform to organize your life, offering unlimited storage for notes and the ability to integrate calendars, kanban boards, and more.

Visit NotionLink opens in a new window

Tasks management Personal time management