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Member Institutions, Underwriting Institutions and Advisory Committee

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Member Institutions and the APTS Advisory Committee

Member Institutions of APTS are those (groups of) departments which commit to including APTS as a regular component of their PhD training programme. Please see the APTS Constitution PDF file and the FAQ page for more specific information on what this means.

The APTS Advisory Committee advises the Executive Committee on all matters relating to the direction and organisation of APTS, and is a conduit for the dissemination of information on APTS activities. The Advisory Committee normally meets once a year, in September.

APTS Member Institutions for academic year 2023–2024:

  • Durham University: Dept of Mathematical Sciences
  • Lancaster University: Dept of Maths and Statistics
  • Lancaster University: School of Health and Medicine
  • Maynooth University: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Newcastle University: Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Northumbria University: Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences
  • Open University: Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Trinity College Dublin: Statistics Group
  • University College Dublin: Statistics Group
  • University of Bath: Dept of Mathematical Sciences
  • University of Bristol: Dept of Mathematics-Statistics Group
  • University of Cambridge: Statistical Laboratory
  • University of Edinburgh: School of Mathematics
  • University of Essex: Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • University of Exeter: College of Eng Maths and Phys Sci
  • University of Glasgow: Statistics
  • University of Kent: IMSAS
  • University of Leeds: Dept of Statistics
  • University of Nottingham: School of Mathematical Sciences
  • University of Oxford: Dept of Statistics
  • University of Plymouth: School of Computing and Mathematics
  • University of Sheffield: Dept of Probability and Statistics
  • University of Southampton: School of Mathematics
  • University of St Andrews: School of Maths and Statistics
  • University of Surrey: Dept of Mathematics
  • University of Warwick: Dept of Statistics

APTS Advisory Committee:

The Advisory Committee is made up of representatives from each Member Institution, plus:

External adviser: Glenn Marion (BioSS)

Student representatives (for 2024-2025): Callum Macaulay (Glasgow)

Underwriting Institutions

Any Member Institution from October 2010 onwards can also become one of the Underwriting Institutions of APTS. The formal status of Underwriting Institutions (UIs) is set out in the APTS Constitution PDF file. In essence, Underwriting Institutions commit a returnable sum of money to allow APTS to secure accommodation and other facilities for APTS weeks. The specific arrangements are summarised in the grey panel at the bottom of this page.

This provides APTS with the financial stability needed to plan ahead. In return:

  • UIs form the main part of the APTS Executive Committee; and
  • UIs enjoy additional priority for their students when APTS weeks are over-subscribed.

A call will be made each year in the period May–July for the registration of Underwriting Institutions for the next academic year.

APTS Underwriting Institutions for academic year 2024–2025:

  • University of Bath: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Statistics Group
  • University of Bristol: Department of Mathematics, Statistics Group
  • University of Cambridge: Statistical Laboratory
  • Trinity College Dublin: School of Computer Science and Statistics
  • University College Dublin: Statistics Group
  • University of Glasgow: Department of Statistics
  • Lancaster University: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • University of Leeds: Department of Statistics
  • University of Newcastle: School of Mathematics and Statistics
  • University of Nottingham: School of Mathematical Sciences
  • Open University: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • University of Oxford: Department of Statistics
  • University of Sheffield: School of Mathematics and Statistics
  • University of Southampton: School of Mathematics
  • University of Warwick: Department of Statistics
Arrangements for UI deposits and their refund

As agreed by the APTS Executive Committee in November 2010:

 0.  Here "APTS year" means academic year October to September 
 1.  In any given APTS year n, a department is either a UI or is not. A UI 
 in year n underwrites APTS activity in year n+1.
 2.  At the start of each APTS year, each UI for that year must "top up" 
 its underwriting stake to the agreed level (currently £2k; set by the 
 APTS EC and reviewed annually).  The initial "top up" amount for a new 
 UI is therefore £2k.  If all goes well (ie, if no deposits are lost -- 
 the normal state of affairs), and if the agreed level of stake remains 
 at £2k, top-ups in later years for a continuing UI would be zero. 
 3.  At the end of each APTS year (starting with APTS year 2011-12), the 
 total amount of any deposits lost in relation to APTS weeks in that 
 year is deducted in equal shares from the stakes of those institutions 
 that were UIs in the /previous/ year. 
 4.  At the end of each APTS year, the remaining stake of any 
 institution that has not been a UI in that APTS year is returned to the 
 APTS year 2010-11 (still EPSRC-funded) 
 UIs are A, B and C 
 Total stake held, to be used for deposits in 2011-12, is £6k 
 APTS year 2011-12 (deposits at risk for the first time) 
 UIs A and B continue; C pulls out; D and E become new UIs 
 Top-up required from A and B is zero. 
 Top-up required from D and E is £2k. 
 No deposits lost. 
 End of year: C's stake of £2k is returned to C. 
 APTS year 2012-13 
 UIs A, B and D continue; E pulls out; F joins 
 Top-up required from A, B and D is zero 
 Top-up required from F is £2k 
 An APTS week has to be cancelled, and £3k deposit is lost. 
 End of year: each of A, B, D, E has its stake depleted by £0.75k, so 
 the remaining stake for each of A, B, D, E is £1.25k. 
 Remaining stake of £1.25k is returned to E. 
 APTS year 2013-14 
 UIs A, B, D and F all continue 
 Top-up required from A, B and D is £0.75k. 
 Top-up required from F is zero. 


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