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ST229 Data Reveal 2023-24

Please note that the ST229 module results are considered to be provisional until they have been approved at the Summer examination board.

You may wish to discuss the results of the module with your personal tutor.

Your personalised coursework, exam and module marks will be displayed below, and underneath the result is relevant extracts from the handbook and additional remarks.

Please read the information below the results carefully if you have any queries.

Before emailing people with queries ensure you read all the information on this page including the Additional Remarks below. You will be redirected to this page if your query is already answered below.

If you have not managed to find the answer you may, as always, contact the Statistics Support Office at

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Relevant Extracts from Handbook
Pass Mark / Progression

For Students entering in or after the 20/21 academic year , the pass mark for level 1, 2 and 3 (xx1xx, xx2xx and xx3xx) modules is 40%. The pass mark for level 4+ modules (including xx9xx modules) is 50%. The pass mark for these modules is 50% irrespective of the year in which the module is sat.

Right to Remedy Failure for Students Starting a Degree from 2021/22

All students commencing study on a taught undergraduate or postgraduate programme from 2021/22 have the right to remedy failure on one occasion in each module at the earliest opportunity.

Students have the right to remedy failure in modules where the overall fail minimum pass mark has not been reached/achieved.

Where a module has been passed overall, students are not permitted to remedy failure in individual assessment components, unless the requirement to pass these components has been specified in the module approval form (which is usually displayed in the module catalogue).

The recommendation to offer the opportunity to resit can only be made by Board of Examiners, who will determine if the reassessment is either a required or optional resit, and if it is being taken as a second attempt or further first attempt.

Please note that resit examinations are capped at a maximum possible mark of 40%. Marks for further first attempt (FFA) examinations are uncapped.

Reassessment Module Marks

A further attempt at a module may be classified as a resit, where the mark is capped at the pass mark, or a further first attempt where the mark is not capped.

Resit marks for ST-modules are usually calculated based on the examination ONLY with coursework marks not taken into account when calculating the module mark. This usually works in your favour as students who have failed the examination tend to have failed the coursework and calculating a resit mark from 100% examination enables you to focus on passing the examination without being burdened with coursework in addition.

Some modules, usually those with a high coursework weighting, will be reassessed by a combination of coursework and examination. Each module has an entry in the module catalogue which states the reassessment method.

Further first attempt marks for ST-modules are usually calculated based on the examination and the original coursework submission. If the original coursework was affected by accepted mitigating circumstances the Board of Examiners may choose to offer a further attempt at the coursework component or calculate the module mark based on the examination only. Such circumstances should have been submitted before the mark release and would not be accepted after mark release unless clear evidence is provided that demonstrates that it was impossible for the claim to be made earlier.

Additional Remarks
Exam Marking / Remarking

Your script is marked by academic staff and then carefully moderated with each script being checked by another member of academic staff. The question totals are entered by a team of support staff working together to ensure the marks are transcribed correctly.

There is no remarking of examination scripts.

If you think there is a significant discrepancy in your mark from what you were expected please check the feedback and read the solutions carefully to see what was being looked for in your answers (including the completeness of the justification as well as the final answer).

If you have good reason to believe that there has been an error in the transcription after checking the solutions, you may contact the support office, with your reasoning. Requests without clear and comprehensive reasoning that refer to the solutions will not be actioned.