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RSS WMLG Event - Number is not enough: the analytic problem in UK social science

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Location: MS.03

With the exception of economics, UK social science has never been primarily quantitative in nature. In the last twenty years this numeric (or statistical) deficit has been the focus of concern. Several projects have investigated this in both research and teaching and learning. An important outcome of has been the Q-Step initiative, with centres established in 16 universities, with the aim of making a ‘step change’ in quantitative methods teaching. Early evidence from the centres is of a positive impact. However, for the ‘step change’ to be sustained and deepened, in UK social science, more statistical and methodological work however innovative, will not be enough.

Myself and colleagues have suggested that the ‘quantitative deficit’ is a symptom of the character of much UK social science (specifically sociology and its associated disciplines). Evidence, over a number of projects, suggests that research and teaching is primarily underpinned by a humanistic culture of critique, rather than a scientific culture of analysis. In arguing this, the intention is not to dismiss or denigrate qualitative research, but rather to point out that if a ‘quantitative culture’ is to be embedded, it must be within a wider cultural context of science.

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