Warwick Academics contribute to The Maths Manifesto
Warwick Statistics' academics contributed to The Maths Manifesto launched at The Maths Summit attended by leaders in academia, industry, education & politics.
Tom Leonard (1948-2023)
The department was saddened to hear of the death of Tom Leonard on December 18, 2023. Tom was one of the three founding members of staff of the Department in 1972, before leaving to take a position at the University of Wisconsin in 1980. He was influential in the development of the department's MORSE degree programme which flourishes to this day. RIP Tom.
Warwick-led study shows how AI can analyse X-rays and diagnose medical issues
A study led by Professor Giovanni Montana from the Department of Statistics and WMG has developed an AI tool to analyse X-rays and diagnose medical issues.
Yi Yu wins Leverhulme Prize
Congratulations to Yi Yu who has been announced as one of the winners of the 2023 Philip Leverhulme Prizes. Chosen from over 400 nominations, five prizes were awarded in each of six subject areas, one of which was Mathematics and Statistics. The prizes recognise and celebrate the achievements of outstanding researchers whose work has already attracted international recognition and whose future careers are exceptionally promising. Each prize is worth £100,000 and may be used for any purpose that advances the prize winner’s research.
PhD Open Days
The next PhD Open Days will take place on Wednesday 25 October (virtual) and Wednesday 8 November (in-person) at the Department of Statistics, University of Warwick. Register here
Seminar Series:
- ABC World Seminar
- Algorithms & Computationally Intensive Inference Seminar Series
- Applied Probability Seminars
- Maths and Statistics Teaching and Learning Seminar
- Probability Seminar
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- Statistical Learning & Inference Seminars
- Statistics Seminar Series
- Stochastic Finance @ Warwick Seminar Series
- Warwick R User Group
- Young Researchers Meeting