Martine Barons, AS&RU Director, with colleagues from the AU4DM network have produced a toolkit for communicating climate risk which is set be presented at COP26
Martine Barons, Director of the Applied Statistics & Risk Unit, together with
colleagues from the AU4DM network have produced a toolkit for communicating
climate risk which is set be presented at COP26 in the UN-managed space (Blue
Zone) which hosts the negotiations.
Martine worked with colleagues from the Analysis under Uncertainty for
Decision Makers (AU4DM) to win one of just seven mini-fellowships in Climate
Risk from the COP26 Universities Network. The team, consisting of Martine
Barons, Polina Levontin & Mark Workman (Imperial) and Jo Walton (Sussex),
put together an interactive climate risk communication workshop in
collaboration with another fellow, Freya Roberts (UCL). The workshop was held
on Friday 01 October as the final day of the COP26 Universities Network Climate
Risk Summit. The workshop was opened by Liz Bentley of the Royal
Meteorological Society and covered the myriad consideration that need to be
made when communicating between different domains of expertise, especially
when there are uncertainties, some of them deep. Freya and her team made a
digital ‘goodybag’ of science writing tips available at the close of the meeting.
In addition, and with case studies contributed from some more of the Climate
Risk fellows, the AU4DM team collaborated with designer Jana Kleineberg to
produce their Communicating Climate Risk Toolkit. The Communicating Climate
Risk Toolkit seeks to narrow the gap between climate science and climate action,
by providing insights, recommendations, and practical tools to support the
dialogue between scientists, decision-makers, and many diverse communities
that is required for effective action. The AU4DM team drew on expertise in
statistics, foresight, digital humanities and mathematical sciences as well as
broad experience in interfacing with decision-makers from business,
government and industry. This joins two previous publications by the AU4DM
team: Decision Support Tools for Complex Decisions under Uncertainty (2019)
and Visualising Uncertainty: An Introduction (2020) ; the latter has reached over
2000 reads on ResearchGate and many more elsewhere.
The 76-page first edition of the Communicating Climate Risk Toolkit is set to be
presented in the Blue Zone at COP26 Science Pavilion on Friday 05 November
16.30-17.30. The Blue Zone is the UN-managed space which hosts the
negotiations. The space brings together delegations from 197 Parties, alongside
observer organisations to share their stories at panel discussions, side events,
exhibits, and cultural events. All attendees within the Blue Zone must be
accredited by the UNFCCC. After gaining feedback form decision makers and
other attendees, the second edition is planned for early 2022.
Marta Catalano wins Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award
Congratulations to Marta Catalano who has been announced as one of the
inaugural winners of the Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award, an award of the
International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) for junior researchers in
Bayesian statistics. In addition to Marta, both of the other winners in the
Europe/Africa/Asia/Oceania section have a Warwick connection. Dootika Vats
held an NSF fellowship at Warwick in 2017-19 and Sam Livingstone's
postdoctoral position at Bristol was part of the i-like programme, led by
Warwick. Congratulations all.
PhD Open Days
The next PhD Open Days will take place on Wednesday 10 November (in-person) and Wednesday 17 November (virtual) at the Department of Statistics, University of Warwick.
Follow the link below for further information:
Open Days
Warwick Statistics has 9 new Turing Fellows
37 Warwick researchers have been named as Fellows of the Alan Turing Institute this year, including 9 colleagues from the Department of Statistics. Congratulations to Julia Brettschneider, Theo Damoulas, Paul Jenkins, Adam Johansen, Ioannis Kosmidis, Chenlei Leng, Gareth Roberts, Jim Smith and Yi Yu.
Congratulations to our postdoctoral and postgraduate prizewinners
The winner of this year’s Faculty postdoctoral prize is Jure Vogrinc for "Counterexamples for optimal scaling of Metropolis-Hastings chains with rough target densities". The winner of this year’s Faculty Thesis Prize and John Copas Prize is David Selby (citation: for an extremely innovative and creative thesis on "Statistical modelling of citation networks, research influence and journal prestige". This is a very well-presented piece of work that stands out for its wealth of innovative ideas and the new insights it provides in this developing field.) Joint winners of this year’s Harrison Award are Lewis Rendell and Giorgos Vasdekis, both commended for their substantial theoretical and methodological contributions to computational statistics.
Seminar Series:
- ABC World Seminar
- Algorithms & Computationally Intensive Inference Seminar Series
- Applied Probability Seminars
- Maths and Statistics Teaching and Learning Seminar
- Probability Seminar
- RSS West Midlands Group
- RSS discussion papers pre-meetings
- Statistical Learning & Inference Seminars
- Statistics Seminar Series
- Stochastic Finance @ Warwick Seminar Series
- Warwick R User Group
- Young Researchers Meeting