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North-East and Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminars



The Northeast-Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar (NEMSA) is a seminar series jointly organised by the Universities of Durham, Oxford, Warwick and York. The seminars normally take place four times a year, rotating between the four organising institutions.

In 2024, the Warwick leg of NEMSA will be held on 17 September 2024 at the University of Warwick. In this meeting we will be joining forces with the closely related Dualities in Probability and Algebra

workshop in Lancaster on 16 and 17 September. The current plan is that the attendees to the Lancaster workshop will be able to watch all of the talks below via a Livestream in Lancaster in the afternoon of 17 September (Penington's talk will be online in any case).

The workshop is kindly supported by the CRISM Centre at the University of Warwick, the Isaac Newton Institute Network grant and the London Mathematical Society Network grant.

Confirmed Speakers in Warwick

Sarah Penington (Bath, online)

Dario Spanò (Warwick)

Frank Redig (TU Delft)

Speakers for Dualities in Probability and Algebra in Lancaster

See website.

Organising Committee:

Horatio Boedihardjo (Warwick Statistics), Zdzislaw Brzezniak (York), Paul Chleboun (Warwick Statistics), David Elworthy (Warwick Maths), Chunrong Feng (Durham), Massimiliano Gubinelli (Oxford), Roger Tribe (Warwick Maths), Zhongmin Qian (Oxford), Daniel Valesin (Warwick Statistics) and Huaizhong Zhao (Durham).


Attendance and Registration

Please register at the link below so that we have an idea of numbers for catering.



All talks take place in Zeeman Building room MS.05 at the University of Warwick.

Information on travelling to the university can be found here. In particular, the best train station is Coventry, to which there are direct trains from Birmingham (around 20 minutes) and London Euston (around 1 hour). The closest airport is Birmingham International, though London airports have more availability for longer flights.


Tuesday 17th September 

12:15-13:15 Lunch

13:30-14:30 Sarah Penington (online)

14:30-15:30 Dario Spano

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:00 Frank Redig

Evening Dinner

Isaac Newton Institute Logo
Logo of the London Mathematical Society

Title and Abstract

Sarah Penington

Title: Branching random walk with non-local competition
Abstract: We study a particle system in which particles reproduce, move randomly in space, and compete with each other. We prove global survival and determine the asymptotic spread of the population, when the norm of the competition kernel is sufficiently small. In contrast to most previous work, we allow the competition kernel to have an arbitrary, or even infinite range, whence the term 'non-local competition'. This makes the particle system non-monotone and of infinite-range dependence, meaning that the usual comparison arguments break down and have to be replaced by a more hands-on approach.
Based on joint work with Pascal Maillard.

Dario Spano

Title: Dualities and intertwinings in population genetics diffusions and beyond.

Abstract: Mathematical population genetics has been an incredible culture broth for the recent developments of the modern theory of stochastic duality. Duality in genetics clarifies the intrinsic link between forward-in-time dynamics of a population’s allele frequencies evolution and backward-in-time dynamics of the same population’s ancestry. It has yielded a probabilistic insight into the spectral properties of both processes, helping significantly the tractability of such processes for simulation and inference. I will review some aspects of stochastic duality - and related intertwining operators - playing a key role in the analysis of Wright-Fisher diffusion processes of population genetics and in some of their generalisations, for which some open problems will be discussed.

Frank Redig

Title: Intertwining and mixed product states


We will discuss duality and intertwining properties of mass transport models.

More precisely, we will discuss mass transport models of non-equilibrium such as the KMP model, and the recently introduced ``harmonic model’’.

We show that their non-equilibrium steady state is a mixture of product measures, where the probability measure which describes the mixture is in turn the stationary distribution of an intertwined process, the so-called hidden parameter model. For the harmonic model we show that the hidden parameter model has an additional spatial Markov property, which in the case of a chain geometry. leads naturally to an explicit formula for the stationary state, previously obtained with other (among which integrability) techniques.

Based on joint work with C. Giardina and B. van Tol


  1. Giardinà, C., Redig, F., & van Tol, B. (2024).Intertwining and propagation of mixtures for generalized KMP models and harmonic models.arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.01160.
  2. Carinci, G., Franceschini, C., Frassek, R., Giardinà, C., & Redig, F. (2023). The open harmonic process: non-equilibrium steady state, pressure, density large deviation and additivity principle.arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14975.
  3. Carinci, G., Franceschini, C., Gabrielli, D., Giardinà, C., & Tsagkarogiannis, D. (2024).Solvable stationary non equilibrium states.Journal of Statistical Physics,191(1), 10.