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Probability at Warwick


After an extremely successful first event , the Warwick statistics department is pleased to announce the second Probability at Warwick workshop. The workshop has the principal aim of bringing together postgraduate students working in probability, and will feature two lectured courses by invited speakers: Prof. Chris Burdzy (University of Washington) will be speaking on the essential uses of probability in analysis, and Dr. Simon Harris (University of Bath) on branching diffusions. These courses will be accessible to graduate mathematicians and probabilists.

Participants are encouraged, but by no means obliged, to present their own work in one of the afternoon sessions. Speakers may choose to give an informal introduction to an area of interest, or to present a more detailed account of their research (subject to timetabling constraints).

Perhaps most importantly, the event will provide an invaluable opportunity for meeting and socialising with young probabilists from all over the UK and beyond.


Accommodation and Travel


Publicity: Please feel free to publicise PAW by displaying this poster PDF file in your department.

For any enquiries, please email: paw at stats dot warwick dot ac dot uk