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PAW: Programme

Taught courses

Essential uses of probability in analysis (Prof. K. Burdzy, University of Washington)

The word "essential" in the title refers to the fact that this course will feature a presentation of certain probabilistic techniques that cannot be easily translated into purely analytic arguments. The lectures will cover a diverse range of topics, but will mostly be related to Brownian motion. Here are some of the topics, with the corresponding probabilistic techniques in parentheses:

1. Geometric properties of eigenfunctions (couplings).

2. The heat equation in domains with moving boundaries (Skorohod equation).

3. The Robin problem in fractal domains (singular Feynman-Kac formula and Ray-Knight theorem).

Branching diffusions (Dr. S. Harris, University of Bath)

This course will provide an introduction to branching diffusions. Branching Brownian motion (BBM) will form the main example. The lectures will include some fundamental properties of BBM, connections with non-linear reaction-diffusions (FKPP equation) and some intuitive techniques involving a distinguished infinite line of descent, or "spine".

Exercise classes

There will be some time in the afternoons for the participants to think about issues arising from the lecture courses. These sessions will be run by Warwick postgraduate students/postdocs.

Participant talks

Participants are encouraged, but by no means obliged, to present their own work in one of the afternoon sessions. Speakers may choose to give an informal introduction to an area of interest, or to present a more detailed account of their research (subject to timetabling constraints). If you would be interested in presenting some work, please indicate this when completing your registration form.

Social events

Whilst the final schedule of events has yet to be decided upon, we will make sure that there will be a few hours of the week spare for some non-mathematical entertainment (if you believe there is such a thing).


The following schedule of events is provisional only.


Monday 23rd July

Tuesday 24th July

Wednesday 25th July

Thursday 26th July

Friday 27th July



Essential uses of probability in analysis


Essential uses of probability in analysis


Branching diffusions


Branching diffusions





Branching diffusions


Branching diffusions


Essential uses of probability in analysis


Essential uses of probability in analysis




End of workshop


Exercise class

Free afternoon

Exercise class







Participant talks

Participant talks





Conference dinner



23rd - 27th July 2007

paw at stats dot warwick dot ac dot uk