Seminars and talks
- “Generalised Bayesian model averaging”, Invited talk in the 2024 International Indian Statistical Association Conference, Kochi, India, 26-31st December, 2024.
- “Minimum scoring rule for weather science”, Invited talk in VALPRED 5 workshop (which deals with validation of forecasting and relative topics) at Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois, France, 16-19th December, 2024.
- "Probabilistic forecasting and downscaling: Generative models \\via scoring rule minimization", Talk in "Mathematical and Machine Learning based approaches in Climate Science" at the University of Bath, 28-30 May 2024, Bath, UK. [Event]
- "Bayesian Model Averaging with exact inference of likelihood-free Scoring Rule Posteriors", Talk in the invited session "(MS116) Likelihood-free and approximate Bayesian computation methods: Theory and Practice - Part I and II" at the 2024 SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification on 26th February - 1st March 2024, Trieste, Italy. [Event]
- "Bayesian Model Averaging with exact inference of likelihood-free Scoring Rule Posteriors", Talk in "All About That Bayes" - 23rd January 2024, Université Paris Dauphine, Pari Sante Campus, Paris, France. [Event]
- "Exact sampling of scoring rule posterior using Gibbs Boomerang", Talk in the miniSymposia "PDMPs for high dimensional sampling: theory and application" at 14th Internation Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications on 26-30th June 2023, Paris, France. [Event]
- "Inference of selection coefficients in multivariate Wright-Fisher: Generalized Bayesian Inference with Signature Kernel Score", Invited talk in the BioInference on 9th June 2023, Oxford, UK. [Event]
- "Probabilistic Forecasting with Conditional Generative Networks via Scoring Rule Minimisation", Invited talk in the 2022 IMS Annual meeting on 29th June 2022, London, UK. [Event]
- "Probabilistic Forecasting with Conditional Generative Networks via Scoring Rule Minimisation", Statistics Seminar Series in The University of Manchester on 16th February 2022, UK. [Event]
- "Generalized Bayesian likelihood-free inference using scoring rules estimators", Invited Talk in Bayes4Health workshop on 14-16th September 2021 in Cambridge, UK. [Event]
- "Generalized Bayesian likelihood-free inference using scoring rules estimators", Talk in 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics in the invited session on Approximate Bayesian Computation on 19-23rd July, 2021. [Event]
- "Score Matched Conditional Exponential Families for Likelihood-Free Inference", Talk in "2021 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis" at the contributed session C03: Approximate and Flexible inference on 28th June. [Event|Video]
- "Using mobility data in the design of optimal lockdown strategies for the COVID-19 pandemic", Talk in 4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics in the session E0376: Statistical methods in phylogeny, population genetics and covid research on 24th June, 2021. [Event]
- "COVID-19: Optimal Lockdown", Talk in "CompBioMed All-Hands Meeting 2021" on 23rd June 2021. [Event]
- "Score Matched Conditional Exponential Families for Likelihood-Free Inference", Talk in "ABC in Svalbard" workshop on 12th April at 2:30 PM. [Event|Video]
- "ABCpy: a Package for State-of-the-art Likelihood-Free Inference Techniques", My PhD student Lorenzo Pacchiardi talking about our joint work in "ABC in Svalbard" workshop on 12th April at 9AM. [Event|Video]
- "Score Matched Conditional Exponential Families for Likelihood-Free Inference", Statistics seminar, Department of Statistics, Imperial College London, Friday, 12 February 2021Tim. [Event]
- "Optimal lockdown with Google mobility", Mathematics of Big Data: Lessons from COVID-19, The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), UK, December 15, 2020. [Event|Video]
- Probabilistic downscaling to detect regional present and future climate hazards, (with Dr. Sherman Lo) Machine Learning Seminar Series, ECMWF, 28 April 2020. [Event|Video]
- “Parameter estimation of platelets deposition: Approximate Bayesian computation with high performance computing”, Center for advanced modeling science day 2017: HPC & DataScience, November 17, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
- “ABC: with a pinch of classification and HPC”, 19th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting, Statistics Day, 11-15 September, Salzburg, Austria.
- "Approximate Bayesian Computation to quantify parameter and model uncertainty with applications to systems of differential equations”, The 2016 Fomics winter school on uncertainty quantification, 14-16 December 2016, Lugano, Switzerland.
- “Bayes Model Selection with Path Sampling”, The 2013 International Workshop on Bayes Model Selection, 14-18 January 2013, Shanghai, China.