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Dr Mengchu Li

I will join the University of Birmingham as an Assistant Professor of Statistics in October.

See my personal website for more updates.

I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Statistics, University of Warwick. Previously, I was a PhD student in the Warwick Maths and Stats CDT programme, supervised by Professor Yi YuLink opens in a new window. I defended my thesis Contributions to robustness, local differential privacy and change point analysis in April 2023. I obtained my Master's degree in Mathematical Statistics (Part III) from the Univeristy of Cambridge in 2019, and Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Economics from Durham University in 2018.

Research Interests:

change point analysis, high-dimensional statistics, robust statistics and differential privacy.

    Publication and preprints


    I have led tutorials/labs for the following modules:

    Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Linear Statistical Modelling with R, Statistical Laboratory.


    I contributed to the R package changepoints: A Collection of Change-Point Detection Methods.


    (Seminar talks) U of Sydney Business School, U of York, U of Leeds, U of Southampton (in May)

    (Conferences and workshops) CMStatistics 2023, Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Networks 2023, RSS Conference 2023, Workshop on Change Point Analysis 2023, NeurIPS 2022 (with Scholar award), ICORS 2022, IMS Annual Meeting 2022, ISNPS 2022, Structural Breaks and Shape Constraints workshop 2022, NeurIPS 2021, StatScale workshop 2021


    I have reviewed for Bernoulli, Biometrika, NeurIPS, ICLR, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Jounral of Machine Learning Research, and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B.


    Office: MB 2.08