ST334: Actuarial Methods, 2017/18/19
ST958: Advanced Topics in Mathematical Finance (Systemic Risk and Contagion Risk), 2018/19
ST111 and ST112: Probability A & B, 2018/19(small group tutorials)
ST401: Stochastic Methods in Finance,Link opens in a new window 2020/21
ST339: Introduction to Mathematical FinanceLink opens in a new window, 2020(small group tutorials)
ST909: Applications of Stochastic Calculus in Finance, 2021(small group tutorials), 2022/23/24
ST920: Milestones in Probability and Statistics (Volatility Modeling), 2023/24
ST922: Graduate Topics in Applied Probability and Mathematical Finance (Utility Maximization: A BSDE Approach) 2025