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Dr Tommaso Rosati

Welcome! I am a Harrison fellow in the stats department of the University of Warwick.

From September 2024 I am supported by a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.

I study topics in probability and stochastic analysis: long-time properties of (singular) stochastic partial differential equations and scaling limits of particle systems.

Contact me:

Or in person: room 1.11 of the mathematical sciences building.

Office hours: 17:00-18:00 every Tuesday and 14:00-15:00 every Thursday (please write me an email first).


        • If I am your personal tutor, please book a Term 3 meeting with me here. If none of the times suit you, please write me an email.
        • 2023/24 Brownian Motion (MA4F7/ST403), and Stochastic PDEs (ST924).
        • 2022/23 Brownian Motion (MA4F7/ST403).

Find my articles on Arxiv, or Scholar.


[14] "Quantitative instability for stochastic scalar reaction-diffusion equations", in collaboration with A. Blessing (Neamtu), Arxiv.

[13] "The Allen-Cahn equation with weakly critical random initial datum", in collaboration with S. Gabriel and N. Zygouras, under revision at Probab. Theory Related Fields, Arxiv.

[12] "Spectral gap for projective processes of linear SPDEs", in collaboration with M. Hairer, under revision at Comm. Amer. Math. Soc., Arxiv.

Published, or to appear:

[11] "Synchronisation for scalar conservation laws via Dirichlet boundary", in collaboration with A. Djurdjevac, to appear in Bernoulli, Arxiv.

[10] "Global existence for perturbations of the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations with space-time white noise", in collaboration with M. Hairer, Annals of PDE (2024), Arxiv.

[9] "Lyapunov exponents in a slow environment", Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2024), ArxivLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.

[8] "The wave speed of an FKPP equation with jumps via coordinated branching", in collaboration with A. Tobias, Electronic Journal of Probability (2023). ArxivLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.

[7] "The Allen-Cahn equation with generic initial datum", in collaboration with M. Hairer and K. Le, Probability Theory and Related Fields (2023), ArxivLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.

[6] "The spatial Λ-Fleming-Viot process in a random environment", in collaboration with A. Klimek, ArxivLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, The Annals of Applied Probability (2023). Arxiv.

[5] "A rough super-Brownian motion", in collaboration with N. Perkowski, The Annals of Probability (2021), ArxivLink opens in a new winLink opens in a new window.

[4] "Synchronization for KPZ", Stochastics and Dynamics (2022), Arxiv.Link opens in a new windoLink opens in a new window

[3] "Killed rough super-Brownian motion", Electronic Communications in Probability (2020), open accessLink opens in a new windoLink opens in a new window.

[2] "Modelled distributions of Triebel-Lizorkin type", in collaboration with S. Hensel, Studia Mathematica (2020), ArxivLink opens in a new windoLink opens in a new window.

[1] "The KPZ equation on the real line", in collaboration with N. Perkowski, Electronic Journal of Probability 2019), open accessLink opens in a new windoLink opens in a new window.

Outreach & other:

        • I recently wrote some lecture notes for a mini-course of stochastic PDEs: they can be found here.
        • "Randomness is natural - an introduction to regularisation by noise", in collaboration with H. Elad-Altman and A. Djurdjevac, snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach.
        • I helped revamp the Probability at Warwick website. Check it out here!
        • You can find some old simulations on GitHubLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.


I am very thankful to have collaborated with: Alexandra Blessing (Neamtu), Ana Djurdjevac, Simon Gabriel, Martin Hairer, Sebastian Hensel, Aleksander Klimek, Khoa Le, Nicolas Perkowski, Andras Tobias, Nikos Zygouras and (a bit with) Henri Elad-Altman.

Short curriculum vitae (long version hereLink opens in a new window):

2022 - Ongoing Harrison early career assistant professor at the University of Warwick
2020 - 2022 Research associate at Imperial College London (group of Martin Hairer)
2017 - 2020 PhD in mathematics at Freie Universität Berlin (supervisor Nicolas Perkowski)
2015 - 2017 MSc in mathematics at Humboldt Universität Berlin
2012 - 2015 BSc in mathematics at Università di Roma Tor Vergata