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Coauthors Mark F.J. Steel

Some links to my coauthors (with thanks!):
Deniz Akyildiz, Luc Bauwens, Roberto Casarin, Alessandro Carta, Sid Chib, Theo Damoulas, Ritabrata Dutta, Carmen Fernandez, Tomé Ferreira, Denzil Fiebig, Anabel Forte, Thais Fonseca, Montse Fuentes, Jairo Fúquene, Gonzalo Garcia-Donato, Pilar Gargallo, Malay Ghosh, Ollie Hamelijnck, David Huk, Jim Griffin, Miguel Juárez, Maria Kalli, Nick Kiefer, Michalis Kolossiatis, Gary Koop, Demetris Lamnisos, Krzysztof Łatuszyński, Carmelo León, Eduardo Ley, Jiyoun Myung, Theo Nijman, Jacek Osiewalski, Blanca Palacios, Antonio Perruzi. Fernando Quintana, Jean-Francois Richard, David Rossell, Javier Rubio, Thijs ten Raa, Manuel Salvador, Sara Segura, Mahmoud Torabi, Catalina Vallejos, Julien van den Broeck, Francisco-José Vázquez-Polo, Kangrui Wang, Gregor Zens , Yuanhe Zhang

On Monday July 1, 2013 Eduardo Ley passed away, after a courageous struggle with a cruel and debilitating illness. He was a truly wonderful person and a dear friend and will be very much missed. Here are some links dedicated to his memory:

Eduardo Ley: Some Reflections on Eduardo and his Research Legacy eduardo_ley.jpg

FEDEA blog dedicated to Eduardo (in Spanish)

Tribute to Eduardo by Juan Francisco Jimeno presented at the 2013 Symposium of the Spanish Economic Association

There was a one-day conference in honour of Eduardo at the World Bank (DC) on Feb. 12

Friends Pay Tribute by Honoring Ideas tribute written and circulated within the World Bank

Chris Papageorgiou and myself have edited a special issue on "Model Uncertainty in Economics" of the European Economic Review in Eduardo's honour

My paper in Journal of Economic literature entitled Model Averaging and its Use in Economics refers to our work in Bayesian model averaging and is dedicated to Eduardo; (final WP version).

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