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Publications Mark F.J. Steel


Papers in refereed journals:

Papers in refereed proceedings:

  • Nonstationary Nonseparable Random Fields, with Kangrui Wang, Ollie Hamelijnck and Theo Damoulas, International Conference in Machine Learning (ICML2020), Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria, PMLR 119, (2020), 9887-9897. (Open Access) [95]
  • Probabilistic sequential matrix factorization, with Deniz Akyildiz, Gerrit van den Burg and Theo Damoulas, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS2021), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, San Diego, California, USA, PMLR 130, (2021), 3484-3492. (Open Access) [96]
  • Quasi-Bayes meets Vines, with David Huk, Yuanhe Zhang and Ritabrata Dutta, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), forthcoming. [97]
  • Your copula is a classifier in disguise: Classification-based copula density estimation, with David Huk and Ritabrata Dutta, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2025), forthcoming. [98]

Publications in books:

Published discussions:

Nonrefereed publications:

  • Bayesian inference on impulse responses, with G. Koop and J. Osiewalski, American Statistical Association: 1993 Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, ASA, Alexandria, (1993), 214-222. [126]
  • Modeling the sources of output growth in a panel of countries: A Bayesian methodology, with G. Koop and J. Osiewalski, (invited paper), American Statistical Association: 1997 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, ASA, Alexandria, (1997), 8-17. [127]
  • Statistical modelling of fishing activities in the North Atlantic, with C. Fernández and E. Ley, in R. W. Payne and P. W. Lane, eds., COMPSTAT 1998, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Short Communications and Posters, Harpenden, IACR-Rothamsted, (1998), 163-164. [128]
  • Modelling technical and environmental efficiency, with C. Fernández and G. Koop (keynote address), in L. Oxley and F. Scrimgeour, eds., Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Volume 4, Hamilton, New Zealand, (1999), 1099-1106. [129]
  • Modelling production with undesirable outputs, with C. Fernández and G. Koop (keynote address), in V. Nunez-Anton and E. Ferreira, eds., Statistical Modelling, Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Bilbao, Spain, (2000), 18-29. [130]
  • Bayesian Model Averaging and forecasting, invited paper for the Special Issue (number 200) of the Bulletin of E.U. and U.S. Inflation and Macroeconomic Analysis, (2011), 30-41. [131]
  • Editorial, with C. Papageorgiou, Special issue of the European Economic Review on Model Uncertainty in Economics, 81, (2016), 1. [132]
  • The family of two-piece distributions, with F.J. Rubio, Significance, 17, (2020), 12-13. [133]

Note: Wherever available, I have provided links to abstracts and full text of the published papers above. In order to comply with copyright laws these are mostly links provided by the publishers or research databases, which are often IP-controlled. In case you can not use these links, it may indicate that your institution does not subscribe to the journal or database in question.

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