Alexander Kent
I am a third year PhD student in the Mathematics and Statistics CDT at the University of Warwick working under the joint supervision of Professor Yi YuLink opens in a new window and Dr Thomas BerrettLink opens in a new window. My current research concerns User-Level Local Differential Privacy and testing under privacy constraints.
Before starting the PhD programme I obtained a BA in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 2021 and an MSc in Statistics at the University of Warwick in 2022. My master's dissertation is titled "Limit Theorems for Sequential Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods" and was supervised by Professor Adam JohansenLink opens in a new window.
Aside from academics, I enjoy archery with my bowstyle being longbow. I am also a big fan of Touhou music, with my favourite circles being 凋叶棕 (Diao Ye Zong)Link opens in a new window and 魂音泉 (TamaOnSen)Link opens in a new window, and for which I DJ as a hobby.
- University of Cambridge - BA Mathematical Tripos
- University of Warwick - MSc Statistics
Teaching and Activities
For the 2022-2023 academic year, I organised the Empirical Process Theory reading groupLink opens in a new window together with Alberto BordinoLink opens in a new window.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, I organised the Young Researchers' Meeting (YRM)Link opens in a new window together with Anna KuchkoLink opens in a new window.
2022/23 Term 2: ST219 Mathematical Statistics Part BLink opens in a new window
2023/24 Term 1: ST228 Mathematical Methods for Statistics and ProbabilityLink opens in a new window
2023/24 Term 2: ST230 Mathematical StatisticsLink opens in a new window
- A. Kent, T. B. Berrett, Y. Yu. Rate Optimality and Phase Transition for User-Level Local Differential Privacy. arXiv preprint (2024+)
- T. Hutchcroft, A. Kent, P. Nizić-Nikolac. The bunkbed conjecture holds in the p↑1 limit. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. 2022
Email: alexander dot kent at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: MSB 3.14