Professor Richard Smith – Interviews & webinars
Representative webinar and live interview recordings
- (2024) 'Teacher education and practitioner research – how can one support the other?Link opens in a new window' invited webinar for British Council Teacher Educator Community
- (2024) ''Innovation and educational research: With what (sustained) value for teachers?'Link opens in a new window - keynote talk at 'Showcasing Innovation in Education', a conference for early-career educational researchers in Pakistan - introduced by Fauzia Shamim
- (2023) Amol Padwad and Richard Smith interviewedLink opens in a new window by The Teacher Trainer editor Phil Dexter about their recently published book Decentring ELT: Practices and PossibilitiesLink opens in a new window .
- (2019) 'Problems -> Questions -> Solutions: Addressing classroom challenges' (plenary webinar at 35th SPELT (Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers), Karachi, 29 September 2019.
- (2015) 'TEFL interviews 11: Richard Smith on ELT history'. The TEFLology Podcast: a podcast about language teaching and applied linguistics.
Recordings of selected other webinars / invited lectures
- (2023) Why history (of ELT)? Whose history?Link opens in a new window Talk in the Department of Applied Linguistics seminar series, 21 June 2023.
- (2023) Inaugural (professorial) lecture: Teaching in difficult circumstances – again?!Link opens in a new window, 7 June 2023.
- (2020). 'Learner and teacher autonomy – or agency? And what of empowerment, motivation, engagement, identity and wellbeing?'. Invited lecture for MA and PhD students, Mary Immaculate College Limerick. Powerpoint slides.
- (2020). 'Getting feedback on our teaching'. INGED (English Language Teachers’ Association in Turkey) webinar series.
- (2020). First Annual Antonieta Celani Distinguished Lecture, on 'Historiography in Applied Linguistics'.Link opens in a new window Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (online), December 2020.
- (2020). Keynote paper on 'Research for super-difficult circumstances: where to start, and how to go on'Link opens in a new window, 1st TESOL Society of Bangladesh International Virtual Research Conference on 'Contextualizing research in challenging times', December 2020.
- (2020) 'Exploratory Action Research as educational innovation' (invited webinar for Comunidad de docentes innovadores en acción, Faculty of Education, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, November 2020.
- (2020) 'An invitation to research' (invited webinar for BBELT (Mexico) Teacher Research Special Interest Group), 8 June 2020.
- (2020) 'Teacher-research: from first steps to mentoring' (invited British Council India webinar), May 2020.
- (2018) ‘Ideas and strategies for low-resource classrooms’ (invited British Council webinar with Amol Padwad and Deb Bullock), October 2018.
- (2018) ‘An introduction to Exploratory Action Research’: invited webinar for UNRWA teachers in Gaza at the invitation of the Hands Up Project. Part 1: Part II:, September 2018.
- (2016) ‘Learning from the past: researching ELT history’: invited IATEFL Research SIG webinar, January 2016.
- (2014) 'Teacher-research as CPD, in practice’ (invited British Council webinar with Paula Rebolledo). British Council, November 2014.
Other interviews (print and 'live')
- (2022). 'Innovation and change in English language teaching' (Interview by A.I. Salvi). ELT Research 36.
- (2020) 'Exploring territories of teacher research' (Interview by Santosh Mahapatra). Fortell (A Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature) 41: 122–128.
- (2020) Interview about learner autonomy, teacher-learner autonomy, difficult circumstances and pedagogy of autonomy as a rescue strategy (Interview by Ronaldo Gomes Jr.) Language Learning Lives no. 1.
- (2018) 'The International Festival of Teacher-research in ELT'. (Interview by Deborah Bullock). ELT Research 33: 32–36.
- (2018) 'One-on-one: Interview with Richard Smith' (interviewer: A. P'Rayan). The Journal of English Language Teaching (India). 60/1: 8–16.
- (2018) '"Research by teachers for teachers": Richard Smith on teacher-research'Link opens in a new window (Interviewer: D. Xerri). In Xerri, D. & Pioquinto, Becoming Research Literate: Supporting Teacher Research in English Language Teaching. English Teachers Association Switzerland, 30–34.
- (2015). ‘Teaching English in difficult circumstances: A conversation with Dr Richard Smith’ [with L. Prasad Ohja]. NELTA Forum July (special issue on ‘Teaching English in difficult circumstances’).
- (2014). 'Teacher development, teacher-research, and autonomy' [with Simla Course]. Independence 61. Pre-publication versionLink opens in a new window.
- (2014) 'TEC14 interview with Richard Smith' (on innovation in teacher education) [Interviewer: Paul Braddock]. British Council India.
- (2013) 'An interview with Richard Smith' (on learner development) [Interviewer: Darren Elliott].
- (2013) . ‘Exploring teacher-learning: Interview with Richard Smith, Learner Development SIG co-founder’ [with A. Barfield]. Learning Learning 20/2: 44-49.