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session 4

We would like to thank presenters very much:

Jess, Julia, Jenni, Ruth, Emily (with Hayley), Alex and Rick.

It was great to see how much had been covered and how the focus of the projects had emerged over the two terms. We discussed presentation of work and looked at the use of tables to succinctly describe findings or present results (example here). We also looked at an example of writing up the first part of a project on ICT assessment (example here). We also look at the use of evidence in the report on i pads in Scotland presented last time (note that Kevin Burden who led the evaluation is down the road in Hull). Michael also explained that there was a research student led conference at the Institute on 27 April and briefly mentioned the opportunity to study for a research degree.

Next meeting

Peter, Chris, Katy, Gareth, Carley and Alistair were volunteered to present

and at the one after Steve, Louise, Katherine, Karla and James.