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Moving pages within your PDP collection

Click on the Main menu button at the top right of the Mahara Dashboard and choose Pages and collections from the Create menu.

Mahara dashboard menu

Find your PDP collection, click on the three vertical dots at the bottom right of it to expand the menu and choose Manage from the dropdown list that appears.

Mahara pages and collections interface

This will list the pages in your collection.

Manage pages in a Mahara collection interface

Use the up and down arrows next to the relevant page title in the Pages already in collection column to move the page to the correct position in the collection. Alternatively click and drag the page title to its new position in the list. You can also delete a page using the red cross to the right of its title from here. When you have finished click on the Next: Edit access button and then click on the Save button on the next page.

Moving pages within your PDP collection video