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Generating your secret URL

Click on the Main menu button at the top right of the screen and choose Dashboard from the dropdown menu. Once on the dashboard you should see three buttons - Create, Share and Engage at the top of the screen. Click on the Share button.

Mahara dashboard screenshot showing the create, share and engage buttons and the location of the main menu

Find your collection on the Shared by me list and click on the Secret URL icon at the end of the table row (it looks like a little globe).

The Mahara shared by me screen showing your portfolio list and the globe icon (the secret URL icon)

Click on the New secret URL button to generate a new secret URL.

Secret URL generator screen in Mahara with copy button

Your secret URL will be listed under the Secret URLs section of the page. To give your tutor access to your collection you will need to submit your secret URL to the Primary PDP link formLink opens in a new window which will open in a new window.

Simply click on the copy icon (the button with two little pages on it) next to the URL and paste the link into the appropriate field on the form. To send the link to someone outside of Warwick University, copy and paste the link into an email message.

Generating your secret URL video