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Fungi growing in a tree hollow illustrating resilience.

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Date of update

Person under an umbrella in the rain

Introduction to Warwick Wellbeing Curriculum

Please watch this short introductory video by Georgina Newton.

Chain link

Embodying the Charter

This short video by Georgina Newton discusses achieving balance in teaching and gives you some ideas about how to flourish as a teacher. Some resources to support the issues that Georgina mentions in the video, are available as links below.

Person doing handstand on a beach

Self-Management (Self-Awareness)

This short video by Rachel Cooper introduces you to self-management and self-awareness. A copy of the presentation that Rachel uses is available below along with a blank Johari Window.

Wheat ear standing upright


This short video by Rachel Cooper explains what Character Values are and why they are important. A copy of the Framework for Character Education that Rachel mentions in the video is also available below.

Suit of armour

12th October 2022


This brief presentation by Georgina Newton explores what we mean by values and how you can find out more about the values that are important to you. Below is a copy of the slides with space for you to make some notes, to help you to complete the activity that Georgina talks about in her presentation.

Flowers growing in a wall

19th October 2022


This short video by Rachel Cooper explains what gratitude is and why it is important for wellbeing. A copy of the presentation that Rachel uses in the video is available below, along with the link to the podcast that she mentions and the YouTube videos.


2nd November 2022

Trainee Journey

Here's a diagram showing a typical set of emotions at stages through the training (not just teachers experience this). Why not plan what you'll do to be kind to yourself when you've had a difficult day? Keeping a chocolate bar in reserve in your car or calling a friend for a chat and a laugh will help you be able to keep on going. "You can do this!"
This shows the ups and downs of the student journey, starting with optimistic and idealistic, moving to its harder than I thought, I'm not sure I can do this, getting used to the workload, enjoying the challenge and completing the training year

Person on a summit looking at mountains

9th November 2022

Self-Management (Goal Setting)

This short video by Rachel Cooper explains what goal setting is and why it is important for your future teaching career.

Plant growing through hole in blue boat

16th November 2022

Imposter Syndrome (What is it and do I experience it?)

This short video by Rachel Cooper explains what imposter syndrome is and how you can identify if you experience it. Links to the support materials that Rachel mentions are available below.

Hands clasped together in strength

23rd November 2022

Imposter Syndrome (What can I do to manage it?)

This short video by Rachel Cooper continues to discuss imposter syndrome and gives some tips on how you can manage it.

Snail on a wall

30th November 2022


In this video Adele talks about the positive impact that one of her teachers had on her life.

Here's some affirmation practice for you.

Self-affirmation theory argues that maintaining self-identity is not about being exceptional, perfect, or excellent (Cohen & Sherman, 2014). Rather, we just need to be competent and adequate in different areas that we personally value in order to be moral, flexible, and good (Steele, 1988). When we make positive affirmations, we don’t say something like “I am becoming a great teacher” because we want to receive that praise. We say it because we want to deserve that praise for acting in ways that are consistent with that particular personal value.

Try this:

  1. Set a timer on your watch or phone for 5 minutes.
  2. Write down single, positive sentences about who you are and what you've done.

    Something like:

    • I've learnt to drive
    • I am a good friend
    • I can sing
    • I've walked/hiked/run 1km, 10km, a marathon (whatever is true for you)
    • I've taught a lesson

    Just write all the positive things that come to mind.

  3. Then, when the time is up, review the list and read it to yourself.
  4. Look at it again when you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning.

Doing this every day will help you to build your self-efficacy, and confidence and help you to reach your potential. Go on, give it a try!

Rock climbing showing hands, rope and cliff face

7th December 2022

Self-Management (Accountability)

In this short video, Rachel Cooper discusses accountability and how you can use it to support your development. Links to the materials that Rachel mentions are available below.

Flower next to a fork in a garden

14th December 2022


Now is the time to celebrate your achievement. If you want to read more about owning your own brilliance, you could read this book by Dan CableLink opens in a new window. It's Exceptional!