2007 - Abdulla Humaidan
Returning Misplaced Mail: Underlying Motives and Influential Factors
Returning Misplaced Mail: Underlying Motives and Influential Factors
The impact of Stock Market Liquidity on Economic Growth: an Empirical Analysis
Fitting Martingale with Horseshoes for a Deterministic Walk towards Chaos – A Model of Heterogeneous Expectations among Traders
Unions, Capital and Productivity
Transaction Taxes in a Financial Market Model with Technical and Fundamental Traders
Intertemporal Substitution in Consumption & Krugman
Aid, Policies and Long-Run Growth
The Effect of News Media on UK Consumers' Inflation Assessment
CoCo Pops: What will be the implications for a bank’s (& the financial system’s) stability of CoCos being triggered? A theoretical model of signalling and bank runs.
Does Public Health Expenditure significantly affect health outcomes. Using the East Asian Crisis to form a Natural Experiment
Trapped in Happiness? A Consideration of Dynamics in Ordinal Subjective Well-Being Functions
Darwin's Happiness Hypothesis: Subjective Well-Being in an Individual Panel from an Evolutionary Perspective
Clearing the cognition: a study of the impact of high-frequency-trading on equity market volatility
The Determinants of Football League Transfer Market Values: An Age of Financial Restraint
The effect of EU enlargement on International Student Mobility
Asset Bubbles and Post-earnings Announcement Drift in an Anchored Sentiment-regime Dependent Natural Expectations (ASDNE) Framework
2015 Winner of the Award for Outstanding Participant
Microcredit vs. Poverty: A comparative study of Joint-Liability Repayment Rates within Microcredit Communities
Can greater bank capital lead to less bank lending? An analysis of the bank-level evidence from Europe
Do Equity Markets Incorporate Bond Market Expectations?
The Impact of Monetary Policy on the UK Yield Curve
2016 Winner of the Award for Outstanding Participant
”Pretending to be Green”: The Role of Environmental Status Signalling in the Behaviour-Impact Gap Problem
2017 Winner of the Award for Best Participant:
David Henning - ”Exploring conflict in Nigeria: does the rapacity effect dominate across local government areas in Nigeria"
2017 Winner of the Award for Best Paper:
Tim Maecker - "Do language and cultural barriers enable firms to price discriminate between countries in the European Union?"
Marcel Schlepper - "Comrade, have you seen the latest polls? A quantitative analysis of the impact of national election polls on vote defection in the European Parliament"
Diveena Nanthakumaran - "The effects of social interaction and internet usage on stock market participation: evidence from Europe"
2019 Winner of the Award for Best Participant: David Henning - ”An Analysis of Brexit services trade effects using a Synthetic Control Model"