Conference Programme
Printable version of the SAET programme
08:45 | Registration Radcliffe Reception |
09:00 | Welcome Meeting Room 1 (Radcliffe) |
09:05-09:45 | Aloisio Araujo (FCV and IMPA) “General Equilibrium, Risk Loving, Ambiguity and Volatility” |
09:45-10:25 | Bernard Cornet (University of Paris) “Submodular Financial Markets with Frictions” Joint with Alain Chateauneuf" |
10:25-10:55 | Tea/Coffee break |
10:55-11:35 | Guilherme Carmona (University of Surrey) “Existence of Nash Equilibrium in Games with a Measure Space of Players and Discontinuous Preferences” |
11:35-12.15 | Oliver Grossner (CNRS and PSE) “The Search Curse in Long Term Relationships” |
12.15-13:00 | Martin Jensen (University of Leicester) “Distributional Comparative Statics” |
13:00-2:30 | Lunch Radcliffe Restaurant |
2:30-3:10 | Felix Kubler (University of Zurich) “Recursive Equlibria in Dynamic Economies with Stochastic Production” Joint with Johannes Brumm and Dominika Kryczka |
3:10-3:50 | Dimitris Tsomocos (University of Oxford) How does Macroprudential Regulation Change Bank Credit Supply?” Joint with Anil K Kashyap and Alexandros P. Vardoulakis |
3:50-4:30 | Anne Villamil (University of Iowa) “Intermediation and Default” |
4:30-5:00 | Tea/Coffee break |
5:00-5:40 | Klaus Ritzberger (IHS) “Order-Driven Markets are Almost Competitive” |
5:40-6:20 | Tim Worrall (University of Edinburgh) “Dynamic Relational Contracts: The Risk Averse Case” Joint with Jonathan Thomas |
6:20-7:00 | Siyang Xiong (University of Bristol) “The Weinstein-Yildiz Critique and Robust Predictions with Arbitrary Payoff Uncertainty” Joint with Yi-Chun Chen and Satoru Takahashi |
7:30 | Evening Dinner Private Dining Room (Radcliffe) |