Quantifying Long Run Economic Development
The University of Warwick in Venice, Palazzo Pesaro Papafava
22-24 March 2011
Stephen Broadberry (Warwick, LSE and CEPR)
Peter Lindert (UC Davis)
This conference brings together researchers working on the reconstruction of national income before the mid-nineteenth century in a number of different regions, including Europe, North America and Asia. A principle aim of the conference is to consolidate recent work on individual countries and regions on a comparative basis so as to shed new light on the long run economic development of these continents. As well as quantifying the origins of the “Great Divergence” between Europe and North America on the one hand and Asia on the other, the conference will help to shed light on the “Little Divergence” between Northwest Europe and the rest of the continent, including Russia and eastern Europe as well as the previously more developed Mediterranean region. The first day will focus on Britain and North America, while the second day will cover a number of west European countries. On the final day, the conference will focus on Russia and Asia.
We are grateful to the Leverhulme Trust, the European Commission and the National Science Foundation for financial support
Programme (including pdf versions of the papers)
Warwick in Venice (for information about the Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava)
Local travel in Venice (airport to hotel travel advice)