Helios Herrera

Contact details
Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 23226
Email: H.Herrera@warwick.ac.uk
Room: S2.111
Advice & Feedback Hours: sign up hereLink opens in a new window
CEPR WebsiteLink opens in a new windowFull Prof.
Professional Responsibilities
- Director: CEPR Political Economy Research ProgrammeLink opens in a new window
- Coordinator: PEPE (Political Economy & Public Economics) Warwick Research GroupLink opens in a new window
Research Interests
- Political Economy
- Ph.D. in Economics, New York University
- M.Phil. in Economics, New York University
- B.A. in Physics, Universitá di Pavia, Italy
Current Teaching
- EC9C2: Empirical and Behavioral Political Economy (PhD)
- EC9D4L: Macroeconomics A (MSc)
- EC331: Research in Applied Economics (Undergraduate)
Working Papers
- Alternative Worldviews, Distrust and PopulismLink opens in a new window (with Federico Trombetta)
- Financial Drivers of Populism in EuropeLink opens in a new window (with Luigi Guiso, Massimo Morelli and Tommaso Sonno)
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Information CascadesLink opens in a new window (with Johannes Hörner)
Publications (Google ScholarLink opens in a new window)
- Identity-Based ElectionsLink opens in a new window (with Ravi Sethi) (Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, accepted)
- Political Brinkmanship and CompromiseLink opens in a new window (with Antonin Macé and Matías Núñez) (International Economic Review, accepted)
- Economic Insecurity and the Demand of Populism in EuropeLink opens in a new window (with Luigi Guiso, Massimo Morelli and Tommaso Sonno) (Summary on: Vox Eu) (Economica, 2024)
A Theory of Power WarsLink opens in a new window (with Massimo Morelli and Salvatore Nunnari) (Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2022)
Fake ReviewsLink opens in a new window (with Jacob Glazer and Motty Perry) (Economic Journal, 2021)
- Political Booms, Financial CrisesLink opens in a new window (with Guillermo Ordonez and Christoph Trebesch) (Journal of Political Economy, 2020)
- The Marginal Voter's CurseLink opens in a new window (with Aniol Llorente-Saguer and Joseph McMurray) (Economic Journal, 2019)
- Information Aggregation and Turnout in PR: a Lab ExperimentLink opens in a new window (with Aniol Llorente-Saguer and Joseph McMurray) (Journal of Public Economics, 2019)
- Global Crises and Populism: the Role of Eurozone InstitutionsLink opens in a new window (with Luigi Guiso, Massimo Morelli and Tommaso Sonno) (Economic Policy, 2019)
- Turf WarsLink opens in a new window (with Ernesto Reuben and Mike Ting) (Journal of Public Economics, 2017)
- Learning and Coordination in the Presidential Primary SystemLink opens in a new window (with George Deltas and Mattias Polborn) (Review of Economic Studies, 2016)
- Turnout across DemocraciesLink opens in a new window, (with Massimo Morelli and Salvatore Nunnari) (American Journal of Political Science, 2016)
- Cultural Differences and Institutional IntegrationLink opens in a new window (with Luigi Guiso and Massimo Morelli) (Journal of International Economics, 2016)
- Turnout and Power SharingLink opens in a new window (with Massimo Morelli and Thomas Palfrey) (Economic Journal, 2014)
Biased Social LearningLink opens in a new window (with Johannes Hörner) (Games and Economic Behavior, 2013)
- Oligarchy, Democracy and State CapacityLink opens in a new window (with Cesar Martinelli) (Economic Theory, 2011)
- Advantageous Innovation and Imitation in the Underwriting Market for Corporate SecuritiesLink opens in a new window (with Enrique Schroth) (Journal of Banking and Finance, 2011)
- Turnout and Quorum in ReferendaLink opens in a new window (with Andrea Mattozzi) (Journal of the European Economic Association, 2010)
- Policy Platforms, Campaign Spending and Voter ParticipationLink opens in a new window (with David Levine and Cesar Martinelli) (Journal of Public Economics, 2008)
- Group Formation and Voter ParticipationLink opens in a new window (with Cesar Martinelli) (Theoretical Economics, 2006)
- Sorting in Risk-Aversion and Asset Price VolatilityLink opens in a new window (Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2005)