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Jiaqi Li

3rd Year of PhD in Economics.



Research interests: structural labor with key parameters identified by additional quasi-experimental design

no.1 Human Capital, Self-Insurance and Marriage Uncertainty: Racial Difference in Female Labor Supply Oct. 2022 (new draft soon)

no.2 Structural Transformation and Intrahousehold Bargaining (with Qianxue Zhang) Oct. 2023

no.3 Flooding, Inflation and International Spillover May 2024 (Under Review)

no.4 Extreme Weather, Household Finance, and Child Labor Sep. 2023

no.5 The Father and Child Inequality in Health and Cognition (with Yaolang Zhong) Dec 2023

no.6 Trade and Households With Richard Blundell)


Sonia Bhalotra

Stefano Caria

Kenichi Nagasawa

Shortcut to literature
Family choices Race studies

Duncan Thomas

Gary Becker

Nina Pavcnik

Richard Blundell

Natalie Bau

Alessandra Voena

Sonia Bhalotra

Matthias Doepke

Michele Tertilt

Orazio Attanasio

Pierre‐Andre Chiappori

Francesco Agostinelli

Shelly Lundberg

Robert Pollak

James Heckman

Giuseppe Sorrenti

​Flávio Cunha

Matthew Wiswall

Martin Browning

Christopher Udry

Derek Neal

Ellora Derenoncourt

Evan Rose

Rucker Johnson

Peter Hull

Gender studies

Rachel Ngai

Barbara Petrongolo

Oriana Bandiera

Cheryl Doss

Household Finance

Peter Ganong


Melanie Morten


Allan Hsiao

Diego R. Känzig

Local Projections

Òscar Jordà

Mikkel Plagborg-Møller