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Kirill Pogorelskiy

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact details

Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 28248


Room: S1.120

Advice & Feedback hours: By email

Associate Professor

I am interested in developing a better understanding of group decisions in the presence of communication, both theoretically and experimentally. I have also done research on voting power and tax progression. I received my Ph.D. in Social Science from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in June 2015.

Research Interests

  • Political economy
  • Game theory
  • Mechanism design
  • Experiments


    Work in progress

        • Correlated Quantal Response Equilibrium, w/Thomas R. Palfrey
        • A Theory of Electoral Fraud and Voter Turnout, w/Kota Saito and Euncheol Shin

        Working papers

            • News We Like to Share: How News Sharing on Social Networks Influences Voting Outcomes, w/Matthew Shum, 2017. Last updated: 8/13/2019. [pdf]. Revision requested, Economic Journal
            • Skewness, Tax Progression, and Demand for Redistribution: Evidence from the UK, w/Stefan Traub, 2017. Last updated: 2/1/2018. [pdf]


                • Tax Progression in OECD Countries: an Integrative Analysis of Tax Schedules and Income Distributions, with Christian Seidl and Stefan Traub, Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28317-8. Available on Amazon.
                Refereed articles
                    • Correlated Equilibria in Voter Turnout Games. [pdf]. Provisionally accepted, Games and Economic Behavior
                    Refereed articles in Russian
                        • Cost efficiency and shareholder voting power in Russian banking, w/Fuad Aleskerov, Veronika Belousova, Irina Ivashkovskaya, Anastasia Stepanova, Upravlenie v kreditnoi organizatsii, 2010, 2(54): 49-64 and 3(55): 30-38

                        Resting papers
                          • Power and Preferences: an Experimental Approach, w/Fuad Aleskerov and Alexis Belianin, 2010.
                          • Implications of the Quota & Voice Reform of the IMF: the Aspect of Power, 2010.
                          • Distribution of Power within the IMF: When does Preference Mean Voice?, w/Fuad Aleskerov and Valery Kalyagin, 2010.