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Mark Harrison: Terrorism

This page gives access to the data that I used for my paper, Bombers and Bystanders in Suicide Attacks in Israel, 2000 to 2003, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 29:2 (2006), pp. 177-196.

The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Herzlia, Israel, provides a searchable on-line database of terrorist actions in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with details of terrorist attacks in Israel since September 2000: Incidents and Casualties Database, Herzlia, Israel: International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism. The incidents are characterized by the date and place of the attack; the type of attack, e.g. a suicide operation; the character of the target and device employed; the organizational affiliation of the attacker, and the number of victims killed and injured. There is a brief textual description of the incident. The individual casualties are given personal attributes such as name, age, sex, nationality, and religion, often accompanied by brief biographical details and a note, not in standard form, of any role they may have played in the incident.

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