Nicole Scholz
Curriculum Vitae
Contact details
Email: Nicole dot Scholz at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S2.112
Advice & feedback hours:
Please book via email.
Term1: Friday 9-11am
Related links
I am a second year PhD candidate and holder of an ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership studentship. In my work I aim to combine theory and empirics by using structural estimation techniques.
Research Interests
- Industrial Organisation
- Mechanism Design
Work in Progress
- "Optimal Bundling with Re-Sale Markets in the Presence of Uncertainty"
- "Multi-Product Production Function Estimation: Untangling Production Complementarity"
- "Partition Dependent Expected Utility" (with Agustin Troccoli Moretti)
Professional Experience
I have spent a year working in the Competition and Markets Authority's Microeconomics Research Unit. During this time I have worked on the report on "Competition and Market Power in UK Labour MarketsLink opens in a new window" (2024) and the "State of Competition Report" (forthcoming).