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Roberto Pancrazi

Contact details

Telephone: +44 (0)24 761 50587

Fax: +44 (0)24 765 23032


Room: S2.95

Advice and feedback hours:

Term 1, 2023-2024:

Tuesdays 9.00am-11.00am using:

Related links

Research Interests

  • Macroeconomics (Quantitative and Theory)
  • International Macro

Current Teaching (2021-2022)

EC201 Macroeconomics (Term 1)

EC9A2 Advance Macroeconomics (MRes) (Term 1)


For all the links to the paper please visit my personal webpage:

  1. Real Business Cycle in Emerging Countries?
    American Economic Review, 100, December 2010, 2510-2531
    with Javier Garcia-Cicco (Banco Central de Chile), and Martin Uribe (Columbia University)

  2. How Beneficial Was the Great Moderation After All?
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol.46, September 2014, 73-90

  3. The Heterogenous Great Moderation
    European Economic Review, Volume 74, February 2015, Pages 207–228
    - Online Appendix
    - Matlab Toolkit to run the SCI-Tests: Download
  4. The Price of Capital and the Financial Acceleration
    Economics Letters, Volume 140, December 2016, Pages 86-89
    with Hernan Seoane (U. Carlos III de Madrid), and Marija Vukotic (University of Warwick)
    - Code for solving BGG with the equilibrium price of capital Download
    - Replication files Download
  5. Inflation Sensitivity To Monetary Policy: What Has Changed since the Early 1980’s
    Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Volume 81, Issue 1, April 2019, pp 412-436

    with Marija Vukotic (University of Warwick)

  6. Endogenous Partial Insurance and Inequality
    Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 18, Issue 5, October 2020, Pages 2270–2314
    with Eric Mengus (HEC Paris).

  7. Natural Expectations and Home Equity Extraction
    Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 46, December 2019
    with Mario Pietrunti (Banca d'Italia and Toulouse School of Economics).
  8. Welfare Gains of Bailouts in a Sovereign Default Model
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 113, 193867, April 2020.
    with Hernan Seoane (U. Carlos III de Madrid), and Marija Vukotic (University of Warwick)
  9. Transparency, Political Conflict, and Debt
    Journal of International Economics, Volume 126, September 2020, 103331
    with Lorenzo Prosperi (Prometeia)
  10. Geographic negative correlation of estimated incidence between first and second waves of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Italy
    Mathematics, 9(2), 133, January 2021
    with Margherita Carletti (Università di Urbino)
  11. Impact of regional policies on local Covid-19 infection risk in Italy: a modelling study
    The Lancet Regional Health - Europe , Volume 8, September 2021.
    with Gabriele Guaitoli (U. Warwick)
  12. How Distorted Food Prices Discourage Healthy Diet
    Science Advances, 30 March 2022, Vol. 8, Issue 13
    with Thijs Van Rens (U. Warwick) and Marija Vukotic (U. Warwick)

Working Papers

For all the links to the paper please visit my personal webpage:

  • Performance-based contracts, Income Inequality and Wealth Inequality [Work in Progress]
    with Pablo Beker (U. Warwick) and Carlo Perroni (U. Warwick).
  • Estimating and Forecasting Covid-19 Evolution in the UK and its Regions
    Policy note: Cage Policy Briefing No.20, April, 2020.